Get The Pump In Bed: 6 Best Sex Boosting Foods

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Sex, one of the most primal drives known to man (and woman.) Since the beginning of time people have been writing songs about it, making paintings about it, and taking part in the activity in a myriad of different ways. Today is not much different. Look into a magazine, newspaper, or turn on the t.v. and you can see our obsession with sex it still very much alive and well (A la’ “Game of Thrones.”) But in a society that’s becoming ever busier and father time coming for everyone, how does one keep that young, vital energy that keeps us sexually viable in the eyes of our peers. Well, you can start with what’s on your plate (or not on your plate in this case). Here are 6 foods that naturally boost your libido. Boom!


Oysters are the richest source of zinc that is known to enhance libido and general reproductive health. It’s not only a balanced with  iron, copper, iodine, magnesium, calcium, zinc and phosphorous.  but will also increase energy levels in your body. Eating salmon, sardine and octopus will also help you achieve this goal.


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