The Ultimate Finisher For A Huge Chest

Top off your chest workout in the best way.

The pecs are perhaps the most popular muscle group for a beginner to work. It’s a muscle group that can definitely make or break a physique, specifically because most guys want to avoid the dreaded man boobs that have plague so many men. The only way to get rid of the man boob problem is to be diligent with your diet as well as having an adequate workout plan that will attack the chest muscles with vigor.

When it comes to training you can’t simply do the same thing over and over again. Besides the fact that it’s pretty boring to perform the same movements all the time. You have to keep things fresh and look to continuously update your repertoire of exercises. But just as having a wide range of go to exercises are important to making muscle gains, you must also have some great finishers to ensure a great pump.

If you’re looking to get a great chest pump and make some significant gains, then take a look at these awesome workout finishers that should have your pecs seeing hypertrophy in no time.

Push Ups

Generation Iron Push Up

The first on this list is perhaps the most basic, but still pretty damn effective. The whole idea behind utilizing push ups as one of your finishers is to perform the movement until failure. It will burn like crazy and get the blood pumping to your chest in no time. After a fifteen second rest, move on to the next movement.

Machine Gun Press

Generation Iron Dumbbell Press

This exercise requires that the lifter adjusts the bench for an incline motion. Utilizing dumbbells of manageable weight, perform the incline dumbbell press. Be sure to keep a steady and swift pace, but remain in control of the dumbbells while performing the movement (this is why the weight shouldn’t be to heavy). The goal for this exercise is to do one set with one hundred reps! If you can get through this then your chest should be dead. But we’re not finished yet.

The Ben Pakulski Method

The IFBB pro bodybuilder has his own chest day finisher that should be familiar to everyone. But the exercise wouldn’t be recommended by Ben Pakulski if there wasn’t some kind of tweak to the whole endeavor. Take a look.

What exercises do you use for chest finishers? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

GI Team
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