jeremy potvin headerAlways seeking to improve.

Bodybuilding can be a truly tedious endeavor when you think about it. You spend a great chunk of your journey for more muscle eating the right things and training hard. Really, that’s all there is to it. Granted that means having a great deal of patience and dedication, but you’ll never really wonder about what needs to be done to obtain the gains you seek. We all know most of the classic exercises and have an understanding of how your macronutrition effects your energy, nutrient absorption, and muscle growth. What can’t be taught however is to have drive, grit, and determination. For IFBB Men’s Physique competitor Jeremy Potvin, all three and more were needed to get him tom the next level.

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So many amateur competitors are concerned about receiving their pro cards without the understanding that once they receive their pro status is when the real work begins. There’s no room for second guesses or half measures. Once you’re a pro and are looking to make competing in bodybuilding a profession then that means there’s no room to screw around. It also means that you can’t look for the quick fix in order to see major improvement.

Jeremy Potvin was once an amateur who was in awesome physical condition, but not at the levels he needed to be in order to compete with athletes like Jeremy Buendia and the like. In order for him to reach those heights it required him to put in years and years of hard work. From the looks of the comparison pics below it would seem that Potvin has indeed put in the hours at the gym and adhered to a strict nutritional program to turn himself into a lean, mean beast.

#transformationtuesday 1st show to my Olympia qualification. April 2013 – April 2016

A photo posted by IFBB PRO Jeremy Potvin (@jeremy_ifbbpro) on

What are you thoughts on Jeremy Potvin’s transformation?

Let us know by hitting up our comments below or head on over to our official Facebook and Twitter.

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