Proving powerbuilding is the way to go.

As far as strength goes in the endeavor of bodybuilding, the measurement of how much weight can be put up on a bar isn’t a priority. Sure, you can put up a ton of weight on the bench press, but really, what does that mean for your chest in the long run anyhow? Doing dumbbell flyes are far more effective for the chest than the bench will ever be. In fact you can build muscle without having to lift a ridiculous amount of weight. But despite that fact, there is still a place for building tremendous strength as a bodybuilder. After all, being a powerbuilder is perhaps the most ideal training style for a lifter to build strength and aesthetic muscle. Morgan Aste is a prime example of this.

Morgan Aste, nicknamed “The Big Rock”, is perhaps one of the biggest bodybuilders out there. With comparable size to Big Ramy, The Big Rock is also one of the strongest bodybuilders out there. Somewhere Stan “The Rhino” Efferding is completely disagreeing with that statement, but it is true that Big Rock possesses strength far beyond your usual bodybuilder. Big Rock and The Rhino are both prime examples of powerbuilders, both of them able to focus both on muscle growth as well as becoming as strong as possible.

Speaking of incredible strength, Morgan Aste has proven his merit as a powerbuilder. While being massive and shredded, The Big Rock is able to put up numbers similar to a powerlifter. Watch as Morgan Aste bench presses 440 lbs for an unheard of 18 reps.

What do you think of Morgan “The Big Rock” Aste and his amazing strength?

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