An inspiring story… and it’s only the beginning.

Collin Clarke, a 22 year old bodybuilder with Downs Syndrome just competed in his first ever bodybuilding competition – overcoming not only the traditional challenges of weight training and nutrition but also the perceived stereotypes (ignorant stereotypes if we’re being blunt) at what a person with Downs Syndrome can do.

At the end of the day behind all of the muscle, posing, and competition… bodybuilding is all about achieving goals and transforming your body and mind for the better. Seeing someone transform their body into a new physique is always inspiring – that’s why we see before and after images in fat loss commercials. So to imagine any further challenge above that, be it genetic or social, makes for an even more wonderful motivational story.

This wasn’t just a one time “inspirational” moment for Collin. He says it best, this is only the beginning. We hope to see and hear more from this aspiring bodybuilder in the months to come.

GI Team
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