Which Mr. Olympia winner had the worst physique?

Let’s get one thing straight – if you won a Mr. Olympia title then you are a truly impressive athlete. Period. It means for that year you presented the best physique on the planet. That’s no easy task. But as time passes we begin to question who is the greatest of ALL TIME – by comparing each year and decade and trying to determine who is the over all best.

But something that is often not talked about is who is the over all worst? Sometimes there are bad years – and a winner, while very impressive, fails to hold up to the usual standards when you look at the big picture. There have rarely been one-time Mr. Olympia champions but Chris Dickerson is one of those rare athletes. According to Nick’s Strength and Power he just might be the least impressive Mr. Olympia champion of all time. Do you agree? Watch the video above to hear his case and then let us know in the comments!

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