Some of the best hardcore motivational videos to get you pumped.

The network continues to grow! We’re proud to announce and welcome Varyjer Motivation as our most recent video content partners! Varyjer Motivation’s one goal is to get you as pumped as possible with hardcore bodybuilding motivational videos – and their supercuts are some of the best and most inspiring on the web. Their videos will be featured on the GI Network so you can ensure to get even more motivation into every single week. You can also make sure to check out Varyjer Motivation’s channel and if you like what you see – make sure to subscribe!

Check out an example of their creative work with this powerful, heartfelt, and inspiring tribute video to Rich Piana above.

GI Team
The GI Team is here to provide top news and original content for the new generation. The generation of bodybuilders who are pushing the sport to bigger and better places. Join The Movement. Become a part of Generation Iron!