Flex Lewis and Roelly Winklaar show off more hardcore training.

The 2018 draws closer and closer with every passing week, the reigning champions of each division hoping to defend their titles, the challengers looking to usurp them in hopes of claiming their own glory. James ‘Flex’ Lewis is one of those reigning champions hoping to defend his 212 division title one last time before moving on to the open weight division.

Flex Lewis has always been an impressive competitor and is making the move at the perfect time in his career. But first thing’s first. He must get one last big win in the 212 division before moving onto greener pastures. With the help of mammoth Open Weight division competitor Roelly Winklaar, Flex Lewis is hoping to bring his best form to the stage come September.

In preparation for his final title defense in the 212 division, Flex Lewis has pulled out all the stops. Training at his home base at the Dragon’s Lair, Flex Lewis and Roelly Winklaar are putting their all into preparing for the Olympia. This raw, uncut look at their preparation shows just how demanding it is to build their bodies into the ultimate form.

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Jacob Ladon
Jacob Ladon is a staff writer and former amateur bodybuilder. He has been passionate about bodybuilding since he was 15 years old and discovered the joys of training in the gym. He reports and comments on all bodybuilding related matters.