Ric Drasin is an infinite well of oral bodybuilding stories of yesteryear.

Ric Drasin is a sort of oral historian of bodybuilding. He was right there in the middle of Gold’s Gym during the Golden Era. He’s trained with Arnold and Sergio. He’s seen the evolution of the sport first hand as it went form 70’s to 80’s to 90’s and into the new millennium. He is also incredibly happy to share all of the stories from those experiences. That’s basically what his YouTube channel, Ric’s Corner, is all about. Sharing not only bodybuilding tips, but stories from the past with the people he knew.

You’d think after all these years he would be out of new stories – but here we are again with three new tales from the past years of bodybuilding that you most likely haven’t heard. These aren’t the historical fact points such as “when did so-and-so win the Mr. Olympia.” Instead they are personal moments that give true value and character to the entire world of bodybuilding. Hear his latest stories in his latest video above!

If you like what you see, make sure to subscribe to Ric Drasin’s official YouTube channel right here.

GI Team
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