Bodybuilding Motivation: Hard work matters more than genetics when it comes to working out.

We all have some fitness icon whose body inspires instant jealousy. People have different builds, different metabolisms, and develop muscle at different rates. It can be hard – especially when you’re stuck in a mindset where you obsess over your limits and frustrations – to not feel jealous of those of us who are naturally buff, naturally cut, or naturally strong.

That’s why Varyjer Motivation has put together this epic bodybuilding motivation video to help you resist the urge today from comparing yourself to others or wishing things were easier. Things are difficult for everyone. The only thing that you can control about your situation is the amount of work you put into it. Remember to be positive, mind your own business, and focus on how good it feels to accomplish your goals. Obsessing over things you can’t change, like genetics, will only make you miserable in the long run. Now get out there and pump some iron.

If you like what you see, make sure to subscribe to Varyjer Motivation’s official YouTube channel right here.

GI Team
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