Breon Ansley believes that given two years of Men’s Open training – he could be in the top 5 at Mr. Olympia.

A CONVERSATION WITH BREON ANSLEY – is a four part sit down interview with Breon Ansley – 2x Classic Physique Olympia champion and the man who set the standard for Classic Physique in its early years as a division. Breon discussed with director Vlad Yudin about the state of bodybuilding, his status as champion, and how Classic Physique puts a new perspective on the sport. New episodes air every Thursday!

Breon Ansley continues to detail further his opinions on fellow competitors and the sport of bodybuilding as a whole in part 3 of our sit down interview. Things kick off with Breon discussing Regan Grimes and his flip flopping between Men’s Open and Classic Physique division. This opens up into a deeper conversation about the “weekend warrior” comments that have been made about Classic Physique – is this new division simply an “easier” version that Men’s Open competitors can drop down to for a more guaranteed win?

This sets the conversation directly at Men’s Open and things start to get really interesting. Breon believes that if he were to train for two years with his goal being on the Men’s Open division – that he could place into the top 5 at the Mr. Olympia Men’s Open competition.

Does this mean we’ll see a bigger version of Breon in the future? Will he one day move to the Men’s Open division? Not quite yet – but Breon doesn’t completely take it out of the cards for his future. He needs to see what the future of the sport as a whole looks like in the next few years to make that decision.

Check out Part 3 of A Conversation With Breon Ansley above! And make sure to stick around next week for the finale part of our interview mini series with Breon.

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