Brandon Hendrickson went out to celebrate his Olympia 2020 win with a big meal… but it didn’t go as planned.

It’s not uncommon for a pro bodybuilder to celebrate after a big win with a big meal. It’s possibly the one time when a bodybuilder can go all out and have the ultimate cheat meal. Brandon Hendrickson planned to do just that after winning the Men’s Physique Olympia 2020. But a shocking a serious health issue arose that made a night of celebration take a turn for the worse. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Brandon Hendrickson details the dramatic rollercoaster that happened the night after winning the Olympia 2020.

After any athlete wins the biggest competition of the year, you can only imagine they are on top of the world. It’s the ultimate achievement of that person’s passion and hard work throughout the year. A true celebration is certainly in order. Fans can only imagine the joy and excitement of celebrating after a big win.

After winning the Men’s Physique Olympia 2020, Brandon Hendrickson decided to celebrate the best way he knew how. He went out to a nice restaurant with his girlfriend to indulge in food that usually doesn’t fit into a bodybuilder diet. While the dinner went well, it was what happened immediately after that caused a night of drama.

After leaving the restaurant, Brandon Hendrickson’s girlfriend started to feel dizzy. The feeling became worse and worse through the next day. Her condition got to the point where they needed to go to the hospital. Of course, with the added weight of the pandemic weighing on hospitals – the situation was far from normal.

As the hospital tried to figure out what was causing Hendrickson’s girlfriend’s ailments, he was unable to be with her in the hospital. After a few hours, they finally let him in once she was on a COVID-19 free section of the building. He stayed with her for hours until they finally released her.

Brandon Hendrickson’s girlfriend was ultimately okay, though at the time of this interview they were unable to determine what caused her issue. Whatever it was, she was healthy enough to be released and return home. Brandon Hendrickson had to ultimately stay an extra day in Orlando – ending a weekend of celebration into a brush with a health scare.

Of course, we’re happy to hear that everything turned out okay. Now telling the story in retrospect, Hendrickson seems to see it as more of an amusing anecdote that dotted the end of his big Olympia 2020 win.

You can watch Brandon Hendrickson’s full story of the situation in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

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