Chest INSANITY With Calum Von Moger


Calum von Moger is one of the most massive bodybuilders on the scene today in both physique and popularity. There’s a reason why so many fans have been high on the young bodybuilder, a man who possesses more of a classic, aesthetic physique than many of the heavyweight bodybuilders that compete today. No wonder people compare this guy to Arnold Schwarzenegger. Calum is the epitome of what aesthetics and massive muscle can bring to the table.

In this latest video Calum trains his world famous chest in a pick up game type of way. We say pick up game because it reminds us of a game of horse with one bodybuilder suggesting new and interesting workouts to see if the other is game. This kind of competitive training can help to boost gains by motivating the participants involved. Training the same kind of way can ultimately snuff out your fire for working hard in the gym.

The reason why we posted this is not just because it’s another chest workout, but something about the relaxed and fun environment combined with the club music made us want to get up and train. That kind of levity in the gym means that you no longer just focus on simply building muscle, but also adding that sense of competition that no alpha can resist.

Check out the video and find out just how Calum von Moger switches things up during his training.

What do you think of Calum von Moger’s insane chest training? Did this video make you want to get off your a$# and lift?

Let us know by hitting up our comments below or head on over to our official Facebook and Twitter.

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