Generation Iron Hafthor The Mountain Diet Challenge

No pain… no YouTube subscribers…

Competitive eater “Beard Meets Food” decided to pay homage to the new season of smash hit HBO series Game Of Thrones by stepping in the shoes of a very famous character, “The Mountain”, in a very unique way…

The Youtube star being inspired by a recent Instagram post by Hafþór Björnsson, decided that he would eat the world’s strongest man’s complete daily diet in one sitting, that’s just nuts (pun intended). We reported on this earlier last week because we can never get enough of The Mountain… especially since Game Of Thrones is in full swing this month. As a refresher you can check the complete diet is listed in the post below.


Now the main thing to point out is Hafthor straight up says, “Do NOT do this diet for yourself.” Fair advice. Hafthor is a professional Strongman and has had years of experience and training to handle that kind of diet. But sometimes if you tell someone not to do something… they can’t help but see it as a challenge. That’s what this competitive eater certainly thought. But he took it to the next level. As in, doing the entire diet in one sitting instead of throughout the day.

Does the bearded YouTuber succeed or not? We’re not going to tell you that. But we will say it’s entertaining to see him try. Check out video below and tell us if you would have the stomach (see there I did it again) to try this challenge.

GI Team
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