“I don’t even know what I’m going to eat tomorrow until I send pictures to my coach”

Roelly Winklaar and Guy Cisternino sit down and explain a little bit about how involved a bodybuilding coach actually is during contest prep in this exclusive clip from our first episode of East Coast Mecca season 2.

Often times the line is blurred between how much of a difference a coach actually makes to a bodybuilder. But as you can see from the clip above – a pro might not even know what they are going to eat the very next day until their coach analysis daily pictures of the bodybuilder’s physique… and then recommends the exact diet needed leading up to the day of the competition.

It all seems like a well oiled machine – of course it is. In those final moments before stepping on stage even the slightest mistake can derail months of training. You can watch the full premiere episode of East Coast Mecca season 2 right here.

GI Team
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