The reason Tony Huge needs to drain his blood regularly.

We are just about one week out from the release of Enhanced and have another exclusive sneak peak clip from the film. In the above clip, Tony Huge not only explains but shows how he needs to drain his blood regularly. Why? Because the massive amount of drugs that go in and out of his system coagulate his blood faster – creating a thick and unhealthy stream of blood rushing through his system. The only way to reduce the risk of health issues, so he says, is to drain his blood regularly.

Of course, this isn’t strictly protocol in the medical field… so Tony Huge had to take the blood draining in his own hands. Which you can see in the new clip from Enhanced above!

Enhanced will be available world wide on March 8, 2019! You can pre-order today by clicking here or on the banner below.

Enhanced Tony Huge Documentary Generation Iron

The contents of this video are the sole opinion of Anthony Hughes. Generation Iron Brands LLC does not condone, support, or advocate any form of illegal drug use.

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