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Generation Iron Kai Greene 17

Generation Iron Kai Greene 17

A young Kai with a massive future.

It’s been said once and it’ll be said for all eternity: bodybuilding is all about genetics. Or at least plays a big role. Genetics isn’t an excuse to ignore the importance of training hard, eating correctly, and doing all the right things to see the best result. What many people don’t understand is that bodybuilding is also about philosophy and having a healthy state of mind. As much as building muscle is about putting yourself through physical trauma in order to see great results, you have to take into consideration that how you approach the endeavor mentally is just as significant, if not more.

Ambition. It’s what an athlete needs if they wish to be a professional competitor in whatever sport they choose. Anyone whose thinking they can half ass it and become a pro athlete is going to have a pretty nasty wake up call. It takes single minded focus, a dedication that could even border on obsession in order to achieve greatness at the highest levels of professional athletic competition.


For a bodybuilder it’s seeing where you want to take yourself and body in order to the best in the world. You have to be willing to climb the mountain of success until you reach the summit. You have to be willing to take the long an arduous road of trial and error until obtaining a physique that can challenge the other greats that came before. That word ambition is one to live by not only as a bodybuilder but as a person who craves success.

Apparently it’s a word that Kai Greene learned early on in his career. At only 17 the young Greene had already achieved a physique that most classic bodybuilders would have appreciated. He proved that his mindset was just as important as putting in the hard work to see change. It’s easy to look at Kai now and understand why he’s such an iconic bodybuilder. But take a look at this throwback pic of Kai at 17 and try to argue that he wasn’t a mentally focused young man already showing signs that he would one day become one of the greatest in the world.

So what matters more, genetics or mental strength? Let us know what you think in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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Generation Iron genetics

Generation Iron genetics

Massive muscle with a mind blowing small waist.

Can someone tell me how we got to this point? Though the current slate of bodybuilders are completely jacked, talented, and shredded, there is a definite and clear difference from what we have now and what was so widely popular in the 70s and 80s. Back in the day it was all about having great muscle definition, great size, and maintaining tiny waist. Back then it was all about aesthetics rather than being mass monsters. In some respects it seems like the physiques of today all seem to look the same. In the Golden Era, every bodybuilder had specific body type that was different from their rivals, yet just as well built.

Now this isn’t a call to action to change things, to go back to the way things were. Though it may benefit the sport in some way, we’re not living in the 70s and 80s anymore. It’s 2015 and the judges and spectators are looking for something different than what came before. Now we have to come to grips with the fact that things are different and that in order to enjoy open bodybuilding then you have to embrace the mass monster.


But that doesn’t mean the ideals of the Golden Era doesn’t live on today. Cedric McMillan is a bodybuilder that has found a midpoint, not looking too huge, but not too small either. He maintains a tiny waist despite having a massive amount of muscle on his frame. And apparently he’s not the only one who has kept to the old school mind frame of bodybuilding. Genetics help a great deal in the process, but the mentality to embrace a more classic physique can truly affect your training. Just check the video below and try and say you wouldn’t want a physique like this.

What do you think of this genetic beast? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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Generation Iron Serge Nubret

Generation Iron Serge Nubret

Workout with the ferocity of a black panther.

Serge Nubret was one of the greatest bodybuilders to ever compete in the sport, there’s no doubting that. The French born “Black Panther” was so talented, in fact, that he took the second place position in the 1975 Mr. Olympia competition behind eventual winner Arnold Schwarzenegger. Nubret also holds distinction as being the only bodybuilder to win a world title in four different bodybuilding federations including one championship under the IFBB, one under NABBA, and two championships each in the WBBG and the WABBA.

Nubret was a bodybuilder more focused on building an aesthetic physique rather than simply building massive muscle. The French bodybuilder was perhaps best known for having one of the biggest and most well developed chests in bodybuilding, perhaps second only to Schwarzenegger himself. It was a muscle group that he traditionally trained twice a week, which perhaps explain his successful and extraordinary chest development. Despite having some considerable size, Nubret wasn’t a believer in lifting heavy weights. Instead he focused on contracting his muscles as best he could while lifting moderate weight. Take a look at the chest routine Nubret used to turn himself into a champion.

Note: Serge used the same program on both Monday and Thursday. Besides training his chest he would also work his quads as well as his abs which he liked to work every morning before training for his preferred cardio.

Monday and Thursday


Bench Press 8 sets of 12 reps
Flat Bench Flye’s 6 sets of 12 reps
Incline Bench Press 6 sets of 12 reps
Incline Flye’s 6 sets of 12 reps
Dumbbell Pullovers 6 sets of 12 reps


Though Nubret passed in April 2011, the French bodybuilder’s influence on the sport is still felt today and he’ll go down as one of the all time greats in bodybuilding.


How often do you train chest? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.


Generation Iron Bikini Diaries Horror

The horror aftermath.

Halloween might be behind us but that doesn’t mean that Krystal Lavenne doesn’t have some kick ass video footage from here horror-filled weekend. Between training sessions Krystal was able to keep things fitness oriented with a truly epic Halloween party and then gives us a quick behind-the-scenes look at her most recent shoot where she helps stop kids from smoking using the power of her abs… along with a little help from a ninja and a… truchador?

You can check out Krystal Lavenne’s latest Bikini Diary update every Wednesday right here on the Generation Iron Fitness Network. Just don’t forget to subscribe to our official YouTube channel to get updates on our latest videos. Stay pumped.

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Generation Iron Conor McGreggor vs The Mountain

Generation Iron Conor McGreggor vs The Mountain

David and Goliath…Part 2

When UFC Featherweight champion fighter Conor McGregor said that he would fight anyone in any weight class, he wasn’t lying. The loudmouth Irishman put the proverbial money where his mouth is when he recently sparred 400lb Game of Thrones character (and all around unstoppable Strongman) The Mountain. Besides cutting the heads off horses on Game of Thrones, actor Hafthor Julius Bjornsson is a long time Strongman competitor who also happens to be the World’s Strongest Man. It would take someone with serious balls and serious skills to even think of stepping up to him and whether you love him or hate him Mcgregor may just be that dude.

Although they didn’t hit each other in the face, there were definitely some thudding blows to the mid section. Find out who wins below!


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Generation Iron 425 lbs weight loss 700 days

Generation Iron 425 lbs weight loss 700 days

True fitness motivation.

There are many bodybuilders out there that will tell you there’s a difference between bodybuilding and fitness. For one, bodybuilding has to deal with body re-composition in order to pack on a massive amount of muscle on to your frame while at the same time losing body fat. That’s no easy task and it’s the reason why there are so few athletes out there with a truly ripped and aesthetic physique. Fitness on the other hand has to do more with physical and mental wellness more than how someone looks aesthetically.

Though most people that come to this site are interested in bodybuilding, there’s no denying that fitness is also an end goal of many people who choose to workout. Whether you use to be skinny and want to pack on pounds of muscle or just lose fat and feel and look in great shape, the end goal will almost always result in a person acquiring a certain fitness level.

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Now, in the current climate, being overweight is something that is frowned upon in society. You can be naturally skinny and still be given a certain level of respect (or disregard) more so than a person who is, say, five hundred pounds. Other than the fact that it isn’t very aesthetic to carry that much weight, the fact that being so overweight can result in a bevvy of health issues as well as speak to a person’s character. If they aren’t effected by some kind of disorder then being that much overweight is often times blamed on the person being to lazy to make a definitive change in their lifestyle choices.

But change doesn’t come through hoping it will happen. Pushing yourself to make that change is essential to any goal whether that be gaining muscle or losing fat. Which brings us to a young man named Ronnie (no not Coleman). Ronnie weighed about 700 lbs almost two years ago. A diagnosis from his doctor gave Ronnie a life expectancy of 35 years old. Rather than resign himself to his fate, Ronnie chose to make a change much like many of us who started our journey to gain muscle. In just 700 days Ronnie has managed to lose a mind bending 425 lbs. Check out Ronnie’s journey that should be inspirational to anyone looking to improve themselves.

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Are you impressed with Ronnie? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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Generation Iron Podcast Kai Greene Premiere

Generation Iron Podcast Kai Greene Premiere

Kai Greene and Krystal hit the ground running.


It’s finally here! The first ever episode of our brand new bodybuilding podcast, the Generation Iron Podcast With Kai Greene, has launched and is now available right here on the Generation Iron Fitness Network. And Kai and Krystal jump right into it with this premiere by revealing their deep rooted and dramatic pasts that made them the strong competitors that they are today. Kai Greene goes into detail about his youth being a ward of the state and how that shaped the kind of man he has become while Krystal talks about the twists and turns that she has gone throughout her youth – including her battle with cancer – that led to her fitness and bikini competition lifestyle. What does it take to make a person strong enough to take control of their own life? Listen to this podcast right here – Kai and Krystal might help you find out.

Kai and Krystal Podacst

Krystal Podcast

Generation Iron Kai Greene Krystal Lavenne CBS

Gyno: The Horrible Truth About Man Boobs

Bodybuilder Gyno Generation Iron

Going Gyno.

One it comes to bodybuilding there’s no doubt that the ultimate goal is to attain your best possible physique. Whether you’re a skinny and that find it hard to pack on muscle or overweight and can’t seem to shed your body fat, bodybuilding is all about the pursuit of perfection and breaking through the road blocks that bar you from success.

Of course getting to your shredded best isn’t exactly the simplest of tasks. It takes years and years to get into the kind of shape of someone who steps onto a posing stage. Along the way, whether you’re looking to become a pro or not, you’ll be faced with the question: should you use testosterone boosters or do everything naturally? Whether or not you choose to use anabolics and testosterone boosters, you should understand the potential consequences of doing so.

Some people may defend steroids and claim that they are as safe as taking your average vitamin. The truth of the matter is, however, that if you’re taking a massive amount of testosterone or anabolic boosters then you’ll have to face the music. What exactly are we talking about here? Well, one major side effect of using boosters is Gynecomastia or gyno for short. It’s a side effect of using a tremendous amount of anabolic substances, but can also occur naturally in some men. But very often it’s those that choose to abuse steroids in the hopes of improving their bodies that end up suffering from this pretty embarrassing disorder.

It can be a tough thing trying to become your shredded best. Some people need to get a boost to get to a certain level, there’s no doubt. But when you choose to abuse a substance in the hopes of seeing improvement, you’re taking your health into your own hands and rolling the dice. It’s something that experienced bodybuilders agree with. Take a listen to former IFBB bodybuilder Lee Priest speak on the subject.

What’s your opinion on gyno? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Could Cheat Curls Be The Secret To Giant Biceps?

Cheat Curls Bodybuilding Generation Iron

Cheating might not always be bad.

Being a bodybuilder means being a science project. There are so many different ways to experience hypertrophy and build quality muscle that you could fill a giant book with the information. Heck, tons of books already have been produced on the subject. Nutrition is a major factor of course, but exercise, though not as essential as perfect nutrition, is of course another major factor in making some great gains.

In terms of building up your body there’s no one way to do it. Many people like to stick to a routine that works for them and watch their bodies grow. Those people who choose to keep things the same throughout their training may end up hitting a wall where all their development is halted. There are many others who never stop seeing improvement, but for those who do hit that plateau, changing up the routine is essential to seeing continued growth.

For those who are more content with fitness than aesthetics it’s no big deal. For the bodybuilder who wants nothing more than create a shredded, well muscled, and perfect physique, that simply won’t do. So in order to do that you have to add some variety to your workouts. Variety is the spice of life they say and it works much the same in terms of bodybuilding.

One muscle group that male bodybuilders like to build up is undoubtedly the biceps. You can curl with dumbbells, barbells, and preacher curl for so long before your progress begins to wain. If you want you muscle to grow then you have to put it under more resistance which means more weight. But what if you can’t lift the weights in a controlled manner? Well that’s not a problem at all as long as you decide to do one important thing: cheat.

The cheat curl is something that is frowned on by some bodybuilders while others live by it. Bradley Martyn is in the latter camp and employs cheat curls every chance he gets on arm day. Why does he swear by them? Take a look at the video to discover his reasoning by performing cheat curls.

Do you perform cheat curls? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.


generation iron

Maybe bodybuilding isn’t all about hard work.

Branch Warren is a fierce competitor with a no nonsense approach to his bodybuilding training. His dedication to his craft has seen him have great success in his career, but he wasn’t without his detractors. Many people have tried and failed to derail Branch’s confidence and it appears that the bodybuilder has become better for it. Branch discusses hard work, genetics and more in this exclusive behind the scenes clip.

You can also check out our complete video catalog by hitting up our Episodes tab right here on our site. Also, be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter as well as subscribe to our YouTube channel for exclusive updates.

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