Generation Iron 425 lbs weight loss 700 days

True fitness motivation.

There are many bodybuilders out there that will tell you there’s a difference between bodybuilding and fitness. For one, bodybuilding has to deal with body re-composition in order to pack on a massive amount of muscle on to your frame while at the same time losing body fat. That’s no easy task and it’s the reason why there are so few athletes out there with a truly ripped and aesthetic physique. Fitness on the other hand has to do more with physical and mental wellness more than how someone looks aesthetically.

Though most people that come to this site are interested in bodybuilding, there’s no denying that fitness is also an end goal of many people who choose to workout. Whether you use to be skinny and want to pack on pounds of muscle or just lose fat and feel and look in great shape, the end goal will almost always result in a person acquiring a certain fitness level.

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Now, in the current climate, being overweight is something that is frowned upon in society. You can be naturally skinny and still be given a certain level of respect (or disregard) more so than a person who is, say, five hundred pounds. Other than the fact that it isn’t very aesthetic to carry that much weight, the fact that being so overweight can result in a bevvy of health issues as well as speak to a person’s character. If they aren’t effected by some kind of disorder then being that much overweight is often times blamed on the person being to lazy to make a definitive change in their lifestyle choices.

But change doesn’t come through hoping it will happen. Pushing yourself to make that change is essential to any goal whether that be gaining muscle or losing fat. Which brings us to a young man named Ronnie (no not Coleman). Ronnie weighed about 700 lbs almost two years ago. A diagnosis from his doctor gave Ronnie a life expectancy of 35 years old. Rather than resign himself to his fate, Ronnie chose to make a change much like many of us who started our journey to gain muscle. In just 700 days Ronnie has managed to lose a mind bending 425 lbs. Check out Ronnie’s journey that should be inspirational to anyone looking to improve themselves.

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Are you impressed with Ronnie? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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Strength Wars Movie
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Strength Wars Movie

GI Team
The GI Team is here to provide top news and original content for the new generation. The generation of bodybuilders who are pushing the sport to bigger and better places. Join The Movement. Become a part of Generation Iron!