David and Goliath…Part 2
When UFC Featherweight champion fighter Conor McGregor said that he would fight anyone in any weight class, he wasn’t lying. The loudmouth Irishman put the proverbial money where his mouth is when he recently sparred 400lb Game of Thrones character (and all around unstoppable Strongman) The Mountain. Besides cutting the heads off horses on Game of Thrones, actor Hafthor Julius Bjornsson is a long time Strongman competitor who also happens to be the World’s Strongest Man. It would take someone with serious balls and serious skills to even think of stepping up to him and whether you love him or hate him Mcgregor may just be that dude.
Although they didn’t hit each other in the face, there were definitely some thudding blows to the mid section. Find out who wins below!
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