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Generation Iron 2015 Tampa Pro Results
Generation Iron 2015 Tampa Pro ResultsPhoto courtesy of NPC News Online & John Hawley.

The Big One Down in Tampa.

That’s it. The IFBB Tampa Pro has come to a close this weekend and over 200 pro competitors bashed it out to try and get that final chance to qualify for the 2015 Mr. Olympia competition. Now it’s just a straight race to the Olympia weekend and things are really starting to heat up. Get the complete list of placings from the Tampa Pro just below:

Pro Men’s Bodybuilding

  1. Maxx Charles
  2. Fouad Abiad
  3. Johnnie Jackson
  4. Stefan Havlik
  5. Michael Lockett
  6. Robert Piotrkowicz
  7. Joel Thomas
  8. Akim Williams
  9. Timmy Gaillard
  10. Jose Luis Rodriquez
  11. Paulo Almeida
  12. Grigori Atoyan
  13. Eboni Wilson
  14. Rudy Richards


Pro Men’s 212

  1. Al Auguste
  2. Alejandro Cambronero
  3. John Meadows
  4. Alison Maria
  5. Wendell Floyd
  6. Angel Rangel Vargas
  7. Raul Carrasco-Jimenez
  8. Mboya Edwards
  9. Willie Vegas
  10. Milton Martinez
  11. Leonardo Pacheco
  12. Quincy Winklaar
  13. Freddie Mccray
  14. Victor Del Campo
  15. Luis Santiago
  16. Craig Licker


Pro Women’s Bodybuilding

  1. Margie Martin
  2. Alana Shipp
  3. Isabelle Turell
  4. Keri Watkins
  5. Jacqueline Fuchs
  6. Judy Gaillard
  7. Virginia Sanchez
  8. Laura Carolan
  9. Alessha Young
  10. Angela Debatin
  11. Shawna Strong
  12. Irene Andersen
  13. Kim Buck
  14. Patty Corbett
  15. Maryse Manios
  16. Elizabeth Meza-Gomez


Pro Men’s Physique

  1. Brandon Hendrickson
  2. Andre Ferguson
  3. Geobanny Paula
  4. Mike Balan
  5. Antonio Mitchell
  6. Jacques Lewis
  7. Travales Blount
  8. Devon Lindner
  9. John Nguyen
  10. Javon Walker
  11. Brant Larose
  12. Matt Ramseier
  13. Duane Brickhouse
  14. Lance Phillips
  15. Jean Walkins-Louis

Tied for 16:

  • Ronald Alexander
  • Michael Barnt
  • Murat Demir
  • Matt Dubois
  • Ryan Fisher
  • Chris Griffin
  • Brent Guillory
  • Jim Holcomb
  • Andre Johnson
  • Michael Johnson
  • Tone Martin
  • Lorenzo Orozco
  • Daniel Pena
  • Ryan Stanton
  • Jeffrey Velazquez
  • Jermaine Ward
  • Alexander Woodson
  • Tory Woodward


Pro Masters Men’s Physique

  1. Lance Phillips
  2. Murat Demir
  3. Alexander Woodson
  4. Ronald Alexander
  5. Lorenzo Orozco
  6. Chris Griffin
  7. Michael Barnt
  8. Michael Johnson
  9. Daniel Pena
  10. Jim Holcomb
  11. Matt Dubois
  12. Ryan Stanton
  13. Brent Guillory
  14. Tone Martin

Head on over to page 2 for Women’s Physique, Fitness, Figure, and Bikini results!


Generation Iron Vs CT Fletcher

Generation Iron Vs CT Fletcher

Will My Magnificent Obsession be the next Generation Iron?

Every week, Iron Cinema will connect you with Generation Iron director Vlad Yudin. Giving you unprecedented inside access to the creative process behind his upcoming film, CT Fletcher: My Magnificent Obsession. Get a first hand look at the entire journey of CT Fletcher to the big screen – from stories on set of films like Generation Iron and CT Fletcher all the way to exclusive behind-the-scene looks at our newest documentary. This week Vlad opens up about the origins of creating a feature film revolved around CT Fletcher’s life story… and if it will top Generation Iron.

When I completed Generation Iron, I felt that it was going to be special. I just had a feeling.  It was a very tough project to complete and at times it was difficult to work with the bodybuilders as they were training for the Olympia. But as we got through it and the cut of the film was shaping up – I knew it was worth it.

As the film was getting released, I started getting a lot of emails and calls and people were asking me: “Why isn’t CT Fletcher in Generation Iron?” I’ll be honest, at the time I had no idea who that was. I definitely knew that he wasn’t a professional bodybuilder…  So I checked him out online and saw some of his training videos.  I found out that he was a former bodybuilder and a powerlifter.  At first I didn’t really understand what was the point of his method of training, but then I got intrigued.  I was also surprised at how many people were following him and I didn’t yet understand why.  As I started watching more of his videos and seeing the reactions of people, a bigger picture started forming.  I started looking beyond his work out videos and paying attention to his story and message.


When the GI network was launched, CT made a appearance on one of our shows and we got to actually know him.  And then I got to talk to him.  It was a long conversation in which he told me about his upbringing, his near death experience, and the message that he is trying to bring to the world.  His stories were so interesting and his life was so complex that I right away started seeing visuals in my head, and that’s how the idea for MY MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION was born.

After Generation Iron, I had no desire to make another film about bodybuilding or a fitness figure in general.  But there is something very special about CT.  You can feel emotion while listening to him.  You can feel his pain.  You can relate to his struggle.  And if you pay attention, you can find inspiration.  That is rare to find in a character. I know some of you might not have an interest in powerlifting or CT Fletcher – but I can promise you that there will be something to behold in his story for everyone. There’s a real drama to his story, a deep and powerful feeling that existed in Generation Iron and will be present in MY MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION. This isn’t just #ISYMFS – it’s the real story of a man.

But still – as we are now working on CT’s movie, the biggest question you probably have is: “how will it compare to Generation Iron?”  Will it be better?  I think so. I have a similar feeling now as I did right before we completed the GI film…  I don’t want to reveal why it will be better yet but I can’t wait for the people to decide.

– Vlad Yudin

If you haven’t seen it yet – make sure to check out the FIRST LOOK at Vlad Yudin’s new documentary, CT Fletcher: My Magnificent Obsession:


Jay Cutler Quote Header

Forget taste, it’s all about function.

We’re back with another motivational Quote of the Week. This time brought to you by Jay Cutler. The 4 time Mr. Olympia champ who took reign away from one of the greatest bodybuilding legends of all time, Ronnie Coleman. All that aside, Jay Cutler has been a constant inspiration to all those in the bodybuilding world. We’ve been sticking with simple and short quotes lately – and that’s because a single word can make all the difference. Jay Cutler shows us with these few words how bodybuilding can sometimes be straight forward. It’s all about function. It’s all about doing what you have to to earn those massive gains.

You can check out the rest of our quotes from the past by visiting our official Quote of the Week page. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook for constant updates on everything bodybuilding. Stay pumped.

Generation Iron Jay Cutler Quote of the Week


Generation Iron New Documentary

Generation Iron New Documentary


Generation Iron introduced casual movie goers to the top bodybuilders in the world. The movie highlighted the struggle and perseverance required to compete at the highest levels of professional bodybuilding. The film showcased the grit, dedication, and determination a person must have to take a chance at achieving the ultimate goal of being crowned champion.

Now it seems that one of the stars of the film is looking to further document their life on and off the posing stage. Ben Pakulski is a top flight competitor with an undying passion for bodybuilding. His approach to bodybuilding is far more analytical, focusing a great deal on the science and chemistry of the human body’s biological make up.

But despite the research, despite all his intelligence, Ben has yet to win a Mr. Olympia contest. This new documentary promises to delve into the bodybuilder’s day to day life and show his journey to break into the top five. Check out the trailer below and don’t forget to hit up the movie’s official site right here.

Will you be tuning in to this new bodybuilding doc? Let us know in the comments be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.


Generation Iron Top 5 Ronnie Coleman

This is why Ronnie Coleman is King.

It was only a few weeks ago that Ronnie Coleman had to go back under the knife for a back surgery. If any of you are counting – this makes his 6th surgery during his lifetime. Yet his spirit lives on. He even jumped back onto the leg press mere months after a double hip surgery. This is a man with bodybuilding in his blood. So to give him even further well wishes as he recovers we decided to pay tribute on our latest GI Weekly and count down the 5 things that make Coleman one of the best damn bodybuilders in the world. Watch it all in the episode above!

Send Ronnie Coleman some love by giving him a shout out on our official GI forums and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for updates on our daily videos. Stay pumped.


Generation Iron Bikini Diaries Oiled Up

Beach. Gym. Repeat.

The bikini life never gets old during the middle of summer and the work outs don’t let up either. Our very own body bawse, Krystal Lavenne, escapes from the city proper to hit up the beach with some bikini friends. But the fun doesn’t stop there as she heads off to a pajama party before getting down to business with some tough down and dirty exercises in the gym. Get the whole experience by watching the video above!

Let us know what you think of the latest episode of Bikini Diaries in our GI Forums and don’t forget to subscribe to our official YouTube channel for updates on our daily videos. Stay pumped.


The cameras are blazing and the heat is on CT Fletcher.

We are nearly a month away from the release of CT Fletcher’s first feature length film, CT Fletcher: My Magnificent Obsession and we can’t wait to share the film with the world. But until then we have another tease for you to get you pumped before September 18th. For those of you thinking this is going to be just another CT Fletcher training video or YouTube rant – this behind-the-scenes sneak peek will make you think again. This is a full on, no holds barred, intimate look at the real man behind the legend; behind the #ISYMFS; behind the epic and loud motivational speeches.

And now get behind the actual film with this quick look at CT Fletcher on set in the video above.

Make sure to subscribe to our official YouTube channel for updates on our latest and greatest videos – including previews for CT Fletcher: My Magnificent Obsession.


Generation Iron Kai Greene Training Mr. Olympia

Generation Iron Kai Greene Training Mr. Olympia

Eye on the prize.

Being the number one person in the world for anything means being obsessed. Sounds crazy, perhaps it is a bit crazy, but it’s true. If you wish to accomplish the goal of being superior to all others in your field then it means taking your mind and body beyond the limits of what you imagined was possible. It’s the kind of attitude you need if you wish to become a champion.

There are many people out there that doubt Kai Greene’s chances of winning the 51st Mr. Olympia competition. We’ve voiced concerns on whether or not “The Predator” would be able to topple his long time foe Phil Heath. It’s certainly a tall task to handle, but it’s not one that’s necessarily impossible. After all, Kai has placed higher than Phil a number of times before – so the possibility is always there for a major upset.


But beating Phil Heath will take more than just hopes and dreams. Kai is going to have to work himself harder than ever before to beat the number one bodybuilder in the world. It’s a given that hard work and dedication is required to get to the top of any sport. But if Kai is looking to pull off the upset then it’s going to take more than hard work. He’s going to have to be a man possessed.

Well leave it to the Predator to prove he’s the man to upend Phil Heath. Recently Kai gave the world an inside look into the training he’s been undergoing for the 2015 Olympia competition. If the video is any indication at all, then it looks like Kai is filled with that fiery obsession needed to defeat the reigning champion. Take a look at his hardcore workout session.

Do you think Kai Greene will be the 2015 Mr. Olympia champion? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.


Generation Iron Busta Rhymes

Generation Iron Busta Rhymes

It’s not the protein, it’s the man behind the protein.

This morning TMZ reported that Busta Rhymes has gotten himself into legal trouble following his arrest in NYC last night. Why, do you ask? It seems the rapper threw his protein shake at a man in his gym. According to TMZ, the man and Busta Rhymes got into some sort of argument and then – BAM! The man got a protein container straight to the face.

It’s unclear if it caused any injuries – but honestly, who really cares? Busta Rhymes was arrested on second degree assault and taken to jail only to later be released. He posted this on Instagram this morning:

“Thanks to everyone who helped expedite this evening for me. I’m good and we’re back to the grind. Heading 2 the studio 2 turn the bullshit into GREATNESS. I’m super good.”

The real moral of the story is this; don’t throw protein shakes at each other guys. It’s supposed to be a tool to making gains, not a weapon to beat in someone’s face. But you know that, it’s pretty obvious.


Generation Iron Flaming Bench Press

Generation Iron Flaming Bench Press

Burning passion for the iron.

For some athletes, weightlifting is about pushing themselves to the limit. It’s a way to challenge themselves, to accomplish goals they didn’t think were attainable. Pushing yourself to the extremes of your physical and mental boundaries is not uncommon in athletic endeavors. In fact, isn’t that sort of the point of all of it? To see what you’re made of? But there can come a point where challenging yourself comes closer to thrill seeking than accomplishment. At that point you have to wonder about exactly what you’re doing. Are you looking to better yourself physically, mentally, or both? Or is it something else entirely?

Some people who get into weightlifting end up wanting more than just to build strength or muscle. Some people want to prove to themselves and others that they can accomplish goals that no normal person in their right mind would think of even attempting. And then there are those who simply just wish to feel that shot of adrenaline, that feeling that you’re doing something dangerous and reckless and still coming out on the other side.


That’s exactly what could be said about the man in the video below. Benching 420 pounds is a pretty impressive feat on its own. Doing it for 32 reps is pretty mind blowing. Now doing those reps while the bar is on fire? That’s CT Fletcher levels of obsession. Literally – as CT Fletcher has benched flaming barbells int he past. Looks like this guy guy inspired to try the same thing.

Obsession to not just take things to the limit, but push past the limit. Check out the video below for the impressive showing.

What’s your opinion on this display? Is it being ballsy, extreme or just plain crazy? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.