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WATCH: Is Big Ramy’s Massive Physique Overrated?

Will Big Ramy be remembered as an overrated bodybuilder of his time?

Over the years and for many fans, Big Ramy has been seen as the coming of a new era. He was believed to be the one to take down Phil Heath with his massive size (as soon as he can get his conditioning pulled in). But of course, that didn’t happen. Instead Shawn Rhoden took down Phil Heath and Big Ramy showed up with a lackluster physique compared to the year before.

This story seems to be on repeat. Even before Phil Heath was defeated – each Olympia fans would praise and expect Big Ramy to win the Mr. Olympia. Each year he fell short. So now the question becomes whether or not Big Ramy will ever earn a Mr. Olympia title at all – or will he go down as a missed opportunity with no Sandow trophies under his belt.

That’s the question that content parter Williams Fitness asks in his new breakdown video. More specifically, he asks whether or not Big Ramy will be remembered as an overrated bodybuilder. By breaking down his competitive history and quality of physique, Williams Fitness tries to best formulate an answer. You can check it out in the video above!

If you like what you see, make sure to subscribe to Williams Fitness’ official YouTube channel right here.

Equinox and SoulCycle Face Boycott Due to Investor Stephen Ross’ Trump Fundraiser

Equinox and SoulCycle are in hot water.

It appears that the popular Equinox and SoulCycle brands are facing a boycott due to their investor Stephen Ross. According to Fox Business, the billionaire and Miami Dolphins owner is throwing a fundraiser in support of President Donald Trump leaving many gym goers angered.

To avoid public scrutiny, Equinox and SoulCylce have decided to distance themselves from Stephen Ross, posting messages on Twitter to assure gym patrons where they stand on the matter.

The current political climate is effecting every industries and one wrong move can spell doom for even the most popular of brands.

Generation Iron will continue to follow this story as it develops.

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Source: Fox Business

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A Conversation With Dexter Jackson (Part 4): It’s Time For Ronnie Coleman To Let Bodybuilding Go

Dexter Jackson discusses Ronnie Coleman’s health issues in the face of his dedication to bodybuilding.

A CONVERSATION WITH DEXTER JACKSON – is a five part sit down interview with Dexter Jackson – the most decorated bodybuilders to ever exist in the sport including one Mr. Olympia win and five Arnold Classic victories. Dexter discussed with director Vlad Yudin about his legacy, his future, and the current state of bodybuilding. New episodes air every Thursday!

In the fourth part of our five part sit down interview with Dexter Jackson, we touch upon the subject of Ronnie Coleman. An 8x Mr. Olympia champion and one of the most legendary athletes in the sport – Ronnie has faced a large amount of health issues post-retirement including a double hip replacement surgery and multiple spinal surgeries. While not 100% confirmed – these surgeries are most likely do to his hardcore and heavy training style during his prime… and his dedication towards still lifting to this day.

Director Vlad Yudin asks Dexter, a bodybuilder who prides himself on building a spectacular physique through lifting lighter weight, what his take is to Ronnie’s health issues and constant dedication towards trying to get back into the gym after so many surgeries. Dexter thinks it might be time to “let it go” in the face of so much pain.

In this episode, Dexter also discusses the Camel Crew and where their place will be in the history of bodybuilding and if Shawn Rhoden’s win at the Olympia 2018 will start a change in the kinds of physiques that get rewarded for the coming years. Check it all out in this week’s episode of A Conversation With Dexter Jackson above!

Kai Greene to Speak at Google HQ for the HBO NY Latino Film Festival

Kai Greene to speak at Google HQ!

When we speak about bodybuilders who have transcended the sport there are only a few names that come to mind. One of them is undoubtedly Arnold Schwarzenegger, an actor, a former Governor of California, and a household name in the fitness and bodybuilding industry. Lou Ferrigno is another, going on to play the iconic role of the Incredible Hulk.

Another name to add to that list is the ever impressive Kai Greene!

Finding bodybuilding in his youth, Kai Greene has reached major heights on competitive stage, winning multiple championships during his tenure. Even to this day Kai Greene is regarded as one of the best bodybuilders in the world with his unique mix of artistic posing coupled with a powerful and muscular physique.

An accomplished artist in his own right, Kai Greene has gone on to create comic books, act in a live stage show and even appeared in popular movies and television programs, namely Netflix’s Stranger Things.

Now, the ever evolving Kai Greene will be speaking at Google Headquarters in New York City for the HBO NY Film Festival. It marks another feather in the artist’s cap as he continues to make even further strides in his career. Below is a poster giving the details on Kai Greene’s upcoming appearance.

Kai Greene has continued to make headlines in the bodybuilding world as many have been calling for him to once again step onto the Olympia stage. Kai addressed the possibility of him competing in the Olympia in a recent interview with director Vlad Yudin.

If you’re in NYC and interested in seeing Kai Greene speak at Google HQ for the HBO NY Latino Film Festival on August 12 then head over to nylatinofilmfestival.com to RSVP to the event for free!

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

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WATCH: Olympia 2019 Classic Physique Updates 5 1/2 Weeks Out

How do the top Classic Physique bodybuilders look juster over five weeks out from Olympia 2019?

As we get closer and closer to the Mr. Olympia 2019 – so too do the bodybuilders get closer to revealing the results of their hard work on stage. The Classic Physique division is poised to be one of the standout divisions at this year’s big event and the top qualified athletes are hungry to win the Olympia title. Breon Ansley is of course looking on point – but he has a lot to defend as every single other competitor wants to be the person who knocks down the reigning champ.

Content partner Fazi Fitness has put together a new video compilation update showcasing the latest physiques and training footage of the qualified Classic Physique competitors. With just over five weeks before the Olympia – things are tightening up and the physiques are looking more and more cut and impressive. Check out the update above and start placing your bets for top placings!

If you like what you see, make sure to subscribe to Fazi Fitness’ official YouTube channel right here.

WATCH: Is This The Biggest Version Of Roelly Winklaar Of His Entire Career?

Recent footage of Roelly Winklaar showcases what might be his biggest physique yet.

Roelly Winklaar just doesn’t stop growing. That’s been the pattern of his career over the past few years. Each and every competition he shows up in – he appears more massive than before. The world shakes at his feet and whatever limit we thought there was for this talented competitor seems to be broken with each passing year.

Of course, this might not be a good thing for competing. As we all know through cases like Big Ramy, while mass monster size is overall favored by judges these days – if it comes at the cost of conditioning you won’t become an Olympia champion. This has plagued Roelly Winklaar in his later showings. That being said, last year’s Mr. Olympia was his highest placing ever. So perhaps he is on the right track for Olympia champion status.

Only time will tell – but in the meantime we have a new video compiled here by Williams Fitness showcasing Roelly’s current physique. And holy sh*t he just might be the biggest we have ever seen him in his entire career.

Check out the video above and if you like what you see, make sure to subscribe to Williams Fitness’ official YouTube channel right here.

Cedric McMillan Looks To Be Out Of Olympia 2019

Due to the Tampa Pro 2019 results, Cedric McMillan no longer qualifies for Olympia 2019.

Last year at the Mr. Olympia 2018, Cedric McMillan placed 9th. This means he would not be automatically qualified for the Olympia 2019 and needed to rely on earning enough points to make it into the big show.

Fast forward to where we are today – and the Tampa Pro was the last chance for any bodybuilder to qualify into the Olympia this year. Cedric didn’t compete in the Tampa Pro and it seems like due to other competitors such as Akim, Lukas, and Luke – that Cedric has been knocked down on the points list and no longer qualifies.

This is all due to the more recent introduction of the points system for qualifying into the Mr. Olympia. It’s already been announced that the points system is undergoing a change – but unfortunately for now Cedric McMillan is a victim of not making it in through the qualifying points.

You can check out the official Olympia qualifier list to see that his name has been removed. Content partner Fazi Fitness has put this as one of his updates in a recent compilation video which you can also watch above.

Fans Petition for Shawn Rhoden to Compete at the Olympia Despite Rape Allegations

Shawn Rhoden

Fans petition for Shawn Rhoden to compete in spite of rape allegations.

Things are taking a pretty interesting turn in the Shawn Rhoden case as fans petition for the reigning champion to compete at the 2019 Olympia.

With fans petitioning for the reigning Olympia champion to compete at the big show in September, could this potentially sway officials to allow Shawn Rhoden to participate?

In the wake of lower ticket sales for the 2019 show, could officials feel the pressure to allow Shawn Rhoden to participate in spite of the recent rape allegations he faces? After all, with 12,000 signatures for the petition it could mean guaranteed money. However, the current climate could be too much for officials to allow things to slide.

Shawn Rhoden is indeed innocent until proven guilty, but since the investigation is still ongoing, allowing him to compete could potentially set a dangerous precedent.

The petition at Change.org has received over 12,000 signatures already and appears to be steadily growing.

What’s your opinion on this developing case?

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

The Worst Mr Olympia Ever?! Ticket Sales Appear Low for the 2019 Show

Worst. Olympia. Ever?!

According to YouTuber Williams Fitness, the 2019 Olympia isn’t selling very well.

While the 2019 Olympia may be still more than a month away, it appears that ticket sales are way down. Usually the Olympia sells out in advance of the big show, but it appears that this year things have taken a major dip.

With Shawn Rhoden barred from competition, along with Phil Heath and number of other popular athletes out of the competition, it really does appear that the 2019 Olympia could under perform compared to previous years. Watch the video for more details as Williams Fitness breaks down the latest on the current state of the Olympia ticket sales.

If you like what you see, make sure to subscribe to Williams Fitness’ official YouTube channel right here.

Antoine Vaillant: Are Big Necks a MUST for Bodybuilding?

Antoine Vaillant weighs in on whether or not big necks in bodybuilding matter.

As a bodybuilder it’s all about cultivating a physique that is both power and aesthetically impressive. That means doing traditional movements like the bench press, squats, and deadlifts to bring about radical change to your physique.

But while these big three exercises can help change your physique in a big way, there are other parts of your body that need attention to finish your overall look.

Enter neck training.

Is it absolutely necessary to build a massive neck as a bodybuilder? The rhetoric on the subject can vary, some claiming that specified neck training isn’t necessary while others claim that targeting the area with exercises is the way to go.

Antoine Vaillant recently discussed whether or not a bodybuilder needs to have a massive next complete the look. Check out the video to see what he thinks about whether or not a bodybuilder should have a big neck or not.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.