Mental Games: 4 Ways You’re Cheating Yourself Out Of Max Lifts

The one muscle you might not be flexing…

In the world of body building so much emphasis is placed on the physique. How much do you bench, squat, deadlift, curl? What supplements do you take? What’s your diet like? And ultimately, how do you look? Well slow down there big fella, we’ll get to all that, but first let’s start at the beginning. Let’s start with the most important muscle, the captain of the ship, the human brain, and how we can life hack it to do our bidding. Bodybuilding takes long term dedication and no one will achieve the physique they want until they can mentally lock down the dedication it takes to become a bodybuilder. Let’s talk about the mental game and how you can use it to get the edge.

Ask any successful bodybuilder and they will tell you the importance of their mental approach when it comes to improving their physical skills and performance. Sports psychology is a fast-growing branch of science that seeks to learn more about how our minds can improve athletic ability and maximize our performance in different sports.

Here are 4 tools that you’ve probably heard before but aren’t practicing in your day to day lifting.

Strength Wars Movie

Goal Setting

Generation Iron Abs

Goal setting is a must for any type of long term achievement. Serious Athletes don’t just go out to train aimlessly. They train with a specific goal in mind, which they track and record on a regular basis. Yes, I said regular basis, meaning no more dicking around with your friends at the gym or forgetting to bring your notebook. Being elite requires discipline and perseverance on your part, but don’t worry, those qualities only add to your mental game. Do you think Ronnie Coleman was just guessing his numbers from his last workout? Didn’t think so.

  1. Be Specific – The more specific the goal the better. Instead of saying ” I want to get stronger” say ” I want to be able to bench double my body weight.” specific, specific, specific.
  2. Measurable – It’s important that your goal is measurable so you have a definite way of knowing you’re making progress. This shouldn’t be too hard in bodybuilding as we have weights that are clearly defined in lbs or Kg’s if you’re feeling froggy (or from anywhere else in the world).
  3. Challenging but attainable – You want to find the sweet spot between being out of your comfort zone and sinking your self esteem. If your goals are too easy you won’t maximize your growth in the shortest amount of time. If you set the bar too high you might find yourself getting tired, and frustrated which can often times lead to giving up. Try to focus on small, gradual improvements.
  4. Time Frame – Put a time frame on your goals to help you stay focused and discipline. When your deadline is up use it as a time to reflect on your progress whether you’ve achieved your goals or not. What do you want to keep and what could you have done better?
  5. Keep a Journal – Practically it’s a good idea to keep a log of your training so you can keep track of your progress. Once you’ve met your goals this can also be a great source of motivation looking back.
GI Team
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