Mental Games: 4 Ways You’re Cheating Yourself Out Of Max Lifts

Strength Wars Movie

Self Talk

Generation Iron Mirror

According to recent studies, how bodybuilders (and all athletes for that matter) talk to themselves in and out of the gym can have a significant effect on performance and gains. Think about it, everyone has a mental loop in their heads of concerns and their belief about themselves and the world. What most people don’t know is that your loop can be life hacked. Substitute limiting beliefs with ideas that more align with you goals.

“Right thinking begins with the words we say to ourselves.” – James Allen

  1. Instructional Self-talk – Instructional self-talk is best for fine motor skills or activities based on technique. For example instead of saying “Harder, Faster, Stronger” you want to say something like “Concentrate on form, elbows tight, back straight.”
  2. Motivational Self-talk- Okay so this is the fun stuff. This is for tasks requiring brute strength, boosting yourself up, getting yourself psyched for competition. This what Phil Heath’s trainer is telling him two weeks out from Mr. Olypmia “C’mon one more rep! You gonna let’em out work you? Their coming for ya!”
  3. Novelty vs Experienced – Like anything, too much self talk can also have negative impacts. Studies have found that self talk helps athletes that are new to intermediate to the sport and still developing. However, more experienced athletes in which movements are second nature can find that self talk disrupts their natural flow.
GI Team
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