Mental Games: 4 Ways You’re Cheating Yourself Out Of Max Lifts


While meditation is considered new age hocus pocus to some – or to be frank, lame as hell. Scientist are showing that its effects are very real. Studies have shown meditation helps with focus, anxiety, reducing stress, and builds the immune system. All traits that can help you perform better and longer.

Today it’s not uncommon for sports teams to have group meditation sessions to help their players get “in the zone.” Bulls, Lakers, and Knicks legend Phil Jackson has made this such common practice he is known as the “Zen Master.”

But how do you do this voodoo they call meditation you ask? I’m glad you did. For most beginners its best to start out with breathing meditation. This is done but simply noticing the inhale and exhale of your breathe. When thoughts come to mind, whether they be good or bad, try to stay focused on the breathe. While this may prove difficult at first eventually you will find that staying focused gets easier and easier, and thoughts become just passing clouds. When you get really good you can graduate to chanting as well as walking meditation.

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In conclusion, don’t neglect your mental game. In the same way substances and powders are scientifically proven to boost this, and optimize that, having a logical and steady plan for what goes on inside your head can greatly optimize your potential. To win a race not only do you need to have a good car, you need to have a good driver.

Thanks to sports psychologist we have proven and sustainable methods to maximize our potential and get the edge in competition, use it! Set a goal, self-talk yourself into beliefs that promote that goal, image yourself achieving success in as much detail as possible, and then stay doggedly focused through meditation.  Good luck. Who knows, after this article you could be the future of bodybuilding.

GI Team
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