A potentially effective fat burner… with some catches.

STRAIGHT FACTS WITH JERRY BRAINUM – is an in depth exploration of the more complicated elements behind bodybuilding training, nutrition, and supplements. Hosted by legendary and longtime industry expert, Jerry Brainum, Straight Facts answers user questions so no one is left in the dark.

There are a lot of fat burning supplements on the market trying to capitalize on one thing many people desperately want – a quick and effective way to lose more weight. This might simply be someone who hates working out but wants to find the best way to lose weight “easily.” But fat burning is also important to bodybuilders looking to hone in their bulk and become a shredded as possible before a competition comes around.

The unfortunate truth is that many of these fat burners don’t actually hold up on their promises. It’s a big and confusing world of supplements and often hard to determine if what you are putting into your body is even really doing what they claim. The supplement Yohimbine might actually be legit though… but only under very strict circumstances. Jerry Brainum explains all in our latest Straight Facts episode above.

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