Top Exercise Screw Ups That Drive Us Crazy


Generation Iron Deadlift Bodybuilding

Unlike some of the others on this list, the deadlift is perhaps a bit more difficult to fully master. Some people think they don’t have to engage their legs with the movement which can be a mistake. The problem with the deadlift is that there different ways to perform the exercise. Another problem is that many taller lifters with longer limbs have a difficult time doing stiff legged deadlifts without bending their knees. But what’s completely unforgivable are the people that perform the “deadlift” and actually just end up performing a squat. Worst of all is when they don’t keep their back’s straight and having a rounded back. Having form like that is a recipe for disaster.

Any other exercises you see getting butchered in the gym? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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