Korean bodybuilding at it’s finest.

When you think of bodybuilding you usually think of competitors in the western world. For whatever reason, people seem to forget that Asia has some pretty talented bodybuilders of their own. Hidetada Yamagishi is a prime example of an Asian bodybuilder at the top of their game.

Another prime Asian bodybuilder is South Korean Kim Jun Ho. He’s a 212 IFBB pro bodybuilder with a ton of potential to really shake things up. He has a massive physique for a lightweight bodybuilder and can potentially go far in the 212 division.

Kim Jun Ho is a force to be reckoned with. If you don’t believe us, then take a look at the video above and you’ll come to understand just how much of a monster Kim Jun Ho is.

What do you think of Kim Jun Ho?

Let us know by hitting up our comments below or head on over to our official Facebook and Twitter.

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