The power of Rich Piana’s words continue to motivate bodybuilding fans.

Rich Piana’s passing was a tough blow to many in the bodybuilding industry and even harder for the friends and family who personally knew him. But one of the greatest silver linings left behind after this tragedy is the archive of videos that Piana left behind. His words will continue to live on – not just in memory but physically through his YouTube channel and videos created over the past many years.

Our friends over at Bodybuilding For Life have put together this perfect motivational montage showcasing the true power of Rich Piana’s words and how they will last long after his passing. Check out Rich’s thoughts on genetics in bodybuilding and how they are not just important – but VASTLY important to become the best of the best. Watch the video above!

If you like what you see make sure to check out Bodybuilding For Life’s YouTube channel and subscribe here!