These mass monsters with small waists are still waiting for their moment in the sun.

At the end of the day, a bodybuilding competition is just that – a competition. While there are people that might clearly be talented athletes, it doesn’t guarantee that they will win first place. Is it very likely? Yes. But not guaranteed. That’s what makes competition so exciting – that unknown factor where an underdog can suddenly become a champion.

It can also be frustrating for fans of specific athletes who believe they deserve more recognition. That’s why Fazi Fitness has compiled this video showcasing his pick for the top 3 bodybuilders that have amazing genetics but have yet to qualify for Mr. Olympia 2018. Do you think they deserve a chance to prove their mettle in Vegas? Let us know after watching the video above!

If you like what you see, make sure to subscribe to Fazi Fitness’ official YouTube channel right here.

Strength Wars Movie