Kevin Levrone’s in depth Olympia follow up.

Check out this video of a seminar that Kevin Levrone did with a group of fans. A lot of great topics get covered and Kevin provides explanation on his Olympia performance and plans for his next show.

While his initial appearance on the Olympia 2016 stage might have been met with some controversy – his comeback truly was handled well and was an honorable effort. Sure, he did not storm onto the stage with the physique comparable to his peak years but he did re-engage into the bodybuilding industry. He also continues to do so after the Olmypia – proving (to us at least) that this was not simply a publicity move but instead an earnest desire to return into the world that he loves.

Check out this Q&A above to get even more into the mindset of Kevin Levrone and what might be in store for his career in 2017. We for one cannot wait to see what he does next.

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