Mike O’Hearn explains exactly why and how he fell off stage during his guest posing routine… and what happened after.

In 2019, Mike O’Hearn made headlines… but not exactly for the reasons he would want at this point in his career. During a guest posing routine he fell off the stage accidentally. It looked like quite the nasty fall. Shortly after the video went viral, he issued a statement letting his fans know that he was not inured and perfectly fine. In our latest GI Exclusive, Mike O’Hearn explains in detail his perspective on falling off the stage… and shares an extended video showcasing how he recovered right after falling.

Surprisingly, falling off stage during a performance or guest lecture is more common than you would think. Sure, it doesn’t happen a large amount of the time – but we all must remember the famous incident of Kelsey Grammer falling off stage. Luckily in Mike O’Hearn’s case, he was a little banged up but had no serious injuries. At the end of the day everyone had a good laugh. Even O’Hearn himself seemed to have fun with it and take it in good spirits.

But in our recent interview with Mike O’Hearn, he explains to us that most people didn’t see the full video. In our modern world of short attention spans, most people only saw a short edited version of the video that ends immediately after he falls off stage.

O’Hearn shared with us the full video, which we edited into the GI Exclusive interview segment above. It showcases him immediately jump back up and interact with the fans. Not missing a beat, he turns a potentially embarrassing and mood killing moment into a part of the show. He shakes some hands, poses directly in front of the audience seats, then hops back on stage to continue his routine.

You can hear Mike O’Hearn explain what the entire ordeal was like from his perspective, including an explanation of how he exactly managed to miss the edge of the stage and fall off, in our GI Exclusive interview above!

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