Generation Iron Dallas McCarver Guest Posing

Look out for Dallas McCarver.

Sports have seasons for a reason. Other than combat sports which are year round, you’d be hard to find a professional sport that is played consistently throughout the year. There’s a reason that an NFL season is 17 weeks long. There’s no way that an athlete can put themselves through that kind of punishment for more than that allotted time. Eventually the body begins to breakdown. The body needs time to recover from the punishment you put in through during the competitive season. For bodybuilding the circumstances are a bit different. For a bodybuilder, much like a fighter, you must be constantly improving throughout the year. This is where the off season comes into play.

For every bodybuilder the off season can come at different times throughout the year. Whether an athlete chooses to compete at every major show throughout the year or if they take an entire year off, there’s likely going to come a time where the pros take a break from their training in order to hit the stage and perform a guest posing. Besides helping to supplement their income, guest posing is a great chance for the pros to make contact with their fans as well as show the world what they’ve been working on during the off season. Their physiques usually aren’t perfect, but that’s to be expected as they go on a bulk.

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Strength Wars Movie

Then there are individuals that somehow manage to look competition ready despite being on the off season. These competitors may not be at the top of their game but still appear shredded and ready to hit the pro stage. It’s becoming apparent that Dallas McCarver is one of those individuals. In a recent guest posing at the Midway USA show, McCarver took to the stage and showed off a stage ready physique.

From tonight’s guest posing here at the Midway USA #NPC #IFBB #7Weeks @mattjansen8

A video posted by Ifbb Pro Dallas McCarver (@dallasmccarver) on

How far do you think Dallas McCarver can go?

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