2.Cutting Phase

Generation Iron Cut


Naturally that would lead you to believe you have to begin the cutting phase. Like the bulking phase, cutting can last for months at a time and as a result your body will respond in a number of ways. While you’re in a calorie deficit, after already drastically increasing your calories in the last muscle building portion, your body will have less macronutrients to feed off of. Again, initially this will translate over as burning more fat, but with time you’ll hit another plateau. Eventually all the extra cardio and resistance exercises will eat away at both your muscle and fat. The calorie deficit will mean that your body will be starving for the amount of nutrients it has grown used to, meaning that your body is going to hold onto anything it can find, including fat. Even if you do continue to workout hard it will mean burning away at both your fat and muscle.

So what’s the solution to all this? Find out on the last page!

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