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Generation Iron CT Fletcher My Magnificent Obsession Shadow Poster

Generation Iron CT Fletcher My Magnificent Obsession Shadow Poster

Leaving a big, big mark.

We’re just over 2 weeks from the world wide digital release of CT Fletcher: My Magnificent Obsession and we can’t wait to share the true story behind one of powerlifting’s most bad ass and motivational icons. You’ll get an inside look at the blood, sweat, and tears that CT Fletcher pushed through during his entire life to end up where he is today.

But don’t get us wrong – it will still have everything he’s best known for. Sure, you’ll get the real human drama behind his story but you’ll also get the intensity and grueling Iron Addict personality that we’ve come to know and love him for in his internet videos and public appearances.


It doesn’t matter who you are – a powerlifter, bodybuilder, strongman… hell just someone who loves lifting in any form. This movie will inspire and excite you. Don’t miss it. You’ll regret it for sure.

Check out the full poster below:

Generation Iron CT Fletcher Poster



The creators of ‘Generation Iron’ bring you the untold story of six-time world champion power lifter, and ‘baddest muthaf#*ka’ of all time, CT Fletcher.

Deemed one of the most influential and motivated fitness trainers, CT Fletcher: My Magnificent Obsession explores the pain, struggle, and hardships that he has endured throughout his life. Leaving an abusive childhood home, the film dives further into Fletcher’s personal and professional life – demonstrating the power motivation can have on the human spirit.

Featuring appearances from Stone Cold Steve Austin, Bill Goldberg, and Kevin “Da Hulk” Washington, Fletcher’s life shows us how to push through our obstacles to achieve dreams of greatness.

Will This New Piece Of Equipment Revolutionize The Bench Press?

Generation Iron New Bench Press

Who needs a spotter anyway?

Training equipment is essential to the bodybuilder looking to pack on massive size. You can’t expect to get bulging biceps, a giant back, and a massive chest with body weight exercises alone. Your body requires resistance training with weights and other tools in order to make considerable gains. It’s a fact that every serious bodybuilder has come to know. If you’re looking to build a powerful chest like Arnold Schwarzenegger then you can’t simply rely on doing push ups to gain the progress you seek.

Besides requiring training equipment, many bodybuilders also rely on having good training partners to ensure they’re getting the best gains as well. But sometimes good training partners are hard to find and even if you do have one, there are times that they can’t always be there to help your training. Sometimes you have to go it alone, which can either be beneficial or potentially dangerous.

We’ve all seen the crazy videos online of a lifter hitting the bench by themselves, without a spotter, and are unable to lift the bar off of their chest. Heck, GI Weekly has a segment devoted to gym fails like that. But no matter how hilarious some of the videos may appear, it doesn’t change the fact that lifting alone can be a potentially life threatening endeavor.

But there’s a reason humans are the dominant creatures on the Earth and that’s innovation. Apparently someone saw the flaw in lifting solo and chose to do something about it to ensure that injury or even death while benching becomes a thing of the past. Check out the video below.

Will this bench really work or do you think it’s just a pipe dream? Let us know what you think in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter. Also, if you wish to contribute to the kickstarter for the Maxx Bench then click here.


Generation Iron Beast Mode Song of the Week

Generation Iron Beast Mode Song of the Week

Go into beast mode.

Labor Day has come and gone and you know what that means: the summer is soon to be in our rearview and the fall is a upon us. And though it’s a bit depressing that the summer is coming to an end, it also means the greatest bodybuilding competition of the year is right around the corner. The 2015 Mr. Olympia is sure to be a monumentus event featuring the best professional bodybuilders in the game today. The rivalry between Phil Heath and Kai Greene has cooled off somewhat since last years event, but we have a feeling that won’t last for much longer. We’re just about 10 days out from the Olympia and it’s time to get pumped.

This song will get you fired up in the gym to get all the gains you seek. Burn fat and pack on muscle with this track from Lord Vital. “BEASTMODE” is a high intensity track off the album also titled Beastmode that’s sure to put some adrenaline into your lifts.

This Week’s Pick

Song: Beastmode
Artist: Lord Vital
Album: Beastmode

Crank up some Lord Vital and hit the iron hard. You’ve got no time to be lazy. Get those gains!

Check back next week for the GI workout song of the week and be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

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Generation Iron Best of Mr. Olympia Press Conference 2014

The most heated battle happened off the stage.

It’s hard to forget the press conference from last year’s Mr. Olympia. A moment that brought the spectacle often found in more sensational sports into the bodybuilding industry. Was it good? Was it bad? That opinion has been debated over and over all year. But one thing is still for certain – it’s unforgettable. Will we be seeing the same kind of fire on the eve of the 2015 Mr. Olympia competition? With every passing year the Phil and Kai rivalry gets more and more impassioned. So we know that everyone will be at the edge of their seat when they enter that press conference this year. Until then, let’s look back and relive the best moments from the 2014 press conference in the video above.

Subscribe to our official YouTube channel for more videos and shows just like this and stay pumped.

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Generation Iron Sadik Classic Physique

Sadik sticking to Physique.

Open weight bodybuilding to some has gone a bit too far. The competition no longer focuses on aesthetics, but instead on muscle. Bodybuilding has always been about packing on size and muscle of course, but during the 90s the trend was taken to a whole different level. The size of the mass monsters today is arguably bordering on the ludicrous.

For all his size and bulk, Arnold Schwarzenegger was still very proportioned when he was ruling the bodybuilding scene. His arms were massive, his chest was huge, his shoulders were broad, yet they all tapered down to a very slim waist, something you’re unlikely to see in modern bodybuilding. Gone are the Schwarzeneggers, the Olivas, and the Zanes of yesteryear. Now it’s all about being the biggest man on stage.


But with the recent announcement of a new division of bodybuilding, Classic Physique, many fans and observers are hoping to see a return to form that will bring back the focus on aesthetic physiques. With the advent of this new category, many are wondering about a few things. What does this mean for the other men’s weight classes? Which bodybuilders will populate the new division? And of the existing competitors who would leap at the chance to compete in the division?

We mentioned it many times – even yesterday with the announcement – but Sadik looks like he was born to be in the Classic Physique division. He would be the breakaway star at a time when the newborn division needs a poster child more than ever. And best of all, he would be more at home in that division… especially after seeing his most recent physique on social media.

But alas, if Sadik Hadzokic’s recent Instagram post is any indication, this won’t be the case. Here’s what Sadik had to say about the new Classic Physique category.

With Sadik recently training with Golden Era legend Frank Zane, as well as gaining a considerable amount of size, many thought that he would decide to cross over to the new Classic Physique division. But it seems like he has other plans. But who knows, it’s only been two days since the announcement. A lot can happen over the next couple of years and we wouldn’t be surprised to see Sadik have a change of heart.

What are your thoughts on the new division and do you think Sadik should change categories? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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Generation Iron Classic Physique

Generation Iron Classic Physique

An answer to the classic vs modern bodybuilding debate.

Big news hit the bodybuilding world yesterday with the announcement of yet another brand new division to the world of bodybuilding. It’s called Classic Physique and, you’ve guessed it, it’s the answer to the many complaints about a lack of “golden era” physiques in the men’s open.

In what feels like a “take that” to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s recent comments at the Arnold Classic  earlier this year; Jim Manion worked with J.M. Manion, Tyler Manion, and Tony Blinn of the IFBB Professional league to create what he considers to be a bridge between Physique and open bodybuilding.

So what does that mean for the industry? Well, a lot of good things – especially with the timing. We have recently reported on bodybuilders such as Sadik and Calum Von Moger and how their massive size and classic physique is going to waste in their current state. Men like these can now prevail while also giving the fans exactly what they wanted.

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But could this be the early warning signs of a much bigger shift in the industry? It might sound like we’re jumping the gun – but we see this as the early stages of shifting away from open bodybuilding as a whole. With the Physique division’s popularity on the rise – we find it hard to believe that the Classic Physique division won’t show the same results.

Maybe we won’t see this kind of major shift within this decade but the future of bodybuilding might favor the classic builds and revert back to what the “Golden Era” did so well.  A world where the IFBB and NPC abandon Open bodybuilding all together.

For now, let’s all wait with excitement for a brand new side of bodybuilding. More information will be made available at NPC News Online – but expect to see the new division in 2016. Click here for the full story from the NPC and also check out this video going into more detail:

What do you think about the new Classic Physique division? Is this the end of open bodybuilding as we know it? Or just another facet making the the industry even more diverse? Let us know in our official GI Forum or hit us up on Facebook and Twitter.


Generation Iron Pro Insights Olympia 2014

Then and now.

We are only ten days away from the Mr. Olympia 2015 competition and it seems like this event might actually top the celebrated 50th Olympia that came before it. We have some real heavy hitters and on top of that a physique from Kai Greene that might be the best he’s ever brought to the stage. While we can’t speed up time and bring the 18th of September soon enough – we can flashback to last year’s event to hold you over until Olympia weekend arrives.

The night before Mr. Olympia is one of the most exciting and intense moments for any bodybuilding pro – so get an inside look at what the pros were thinking right before competition night last year at the 2014 Mr. Olympia. Check it out in the video above.

And don’t forget to subscribe to our official YouTube channel for updates as we count down towards the Mr. Olympia 2015. Stay pumped.

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Generation Iron Artemis Dolgin

Generation Iron Artemis Dolgin

How far can all natural actually take a bodybuilder?

Unless you’re a genetic freak, being born with an aesthetic form is highly unlikely. It’s pretty evident that getting major muscle and looking like a superhero is simply something that not every human can achieve. It’s why professional bodybuilding was popularized in the first place. It showcased individuals with bodies that most people would be envious to attain. But it takes a level of dedication and sacrifice to achieve that aesthetic goal.

Achieving great musculature is a great achievement. Through dieting and hard work, a driven and determined bodybuilder can have an impressive physical form. But sometimes to get to a certain level of aesthetic fitness, individuals have turned to other less natural options to achieve their goal. Anabolic steroids are used by many athletes for a bunch of different reasons. Injuries, performance enhancing, you name it and there’s a reasoning behind utilize the anabolic substance. There are differing opinions on the subject. Many have no problem using steroids in the hopes of building up their physical forms to appear more aesthetic. Others believe it’s like cheating in sporting events like baseball, MMA, or boxing.

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The outcry is usually marshalled by athletes that believe training naturally is the healthiest, safest, and frankly, only way to train. For them using steroids is basically a crutch. They want to achieve an aesthetic body without using substances that they deem unnatural. To achieve a great body without steroids is considered a feather in the cap for most bodybuilders, leading to many claiming that they’re natural or natty. It’s what bodybuilder and fitness enthusiast Artemis Dolgin is claiming.

The bodybuilder has an unusually proportioned physique that by all accounts appears to be unnatural attained. But it’s not what Artemis is claiming. He has admitted to using steroids a few times, but claims that he has been natural throughout most of his bodybuilding journey. Check out his interview with Ric Drasin claiming as much.


Artemis is pretty adamant about his natural status. But it all seems unlikely that he could achieve a physique like this without being on some kind of anabolic substance.

Not impossible, but it just seems hard to fathom he could pull that off as a natty. In a world where bodybuilding and steroids is so synonymous – it’s hard to not be cynical when a person with masterful physique and size claims to be natural.

So what do you guys think? Is it possible to achieve Artemis Dolgin’s physique being natty? Are we being too jaded on what is naturally possible? Let us know what your think in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Full Posing Routine Of Kai Greene In New York Subway

Off the stage but not off his game.

If you’ve seen Generation Iron (and why haven’t you?) then you’ve definitely seen the iconic image of Kai Greene posing in the subway stations of New York City. It’s a perfect testiment to everything Kai Green stands for; bodybuilding is more than just the competition on the stage – it’s an art form and a lifestyle. It’s the burning passion inside every single moment of his life. Well now you can see the complete posing routine in it’s entirety. Watch Kai Greene turn NYC upside down in this extended clip from Generation Iron above!

Make sure to subscribe to our official YouTube channel to receive updates on our latest and greatest bodybuilding videos and shows. Stay pumped.



Generation iron Labor day the Rock

Generation iron Labor day the Rock

The Rock training traps hardcore in the gym.

For most endeavors, sporting or otherwise, there’s a time to take a break, to relax and recharge the batteries in the off season. For bodybuilding, no such time exists. There’s no taking a break, there’s no time off. If you hope to get the body you desire, with developed muscle and shredded proportions, then realizing that bodybuilding is a year-round endeavor is going to fast track you to some great success.

You can’t be a bodybuilder, take a three months off and expect to look in great condition once the respite is over with. The off season for a bodybuilder, professional or otherwise, is a time when improvements are being made. Staying strict and dedicated is the key to success in this game and if you want to conquer it then you have be willing to sacrifice the cheat days and the time spent relaxing away from the gym.


Apparently it’s a concept that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson understands well. The former WWE star and budding actor has built up some massive size and impeccable definition after his tenure as a professional wrestler and there’s no doubt that he’s kept with the concept that there’s no off season, no time to take a break.

With Labor Day upon us, The Rock proves exactly what kind of work ethic you need to have in order to make continuous gains.

Labor Day shouldn’t be an excuse to take time away from the gym. Don’t be lazy. Get up off your ass and get into the gym today!

How hard are you going to hit your workout this Labor Day? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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