Go into beast mode.
Labor Day has come and gone and you know what that means: the summer is soon to be in our rearview and the fall is a upon us. And though it’s a bit depressing that the summer is coming to an end, it also means the greatest bodybuilding competition of the year is right around the corner. The 2015 Mr. Olympia is sure to be a monumentus event featuring the best professional bodybuilders in the game today. The rivalry between Phil Heath and Kai Greene has cooled off somewhat since last years event, but we have a feeling that won’t last for much longer. We’re just about 10 days out from the Olympia and it’s time to get pumped.
This song will get you fired up in the gym to get all the gains you seek. Burn fat and pack on muscle with this track from Lord Vital. “BEASTMODE” is a high intensity track off the album also titled Beastmode that’s sure to put some adrenaline into your lifts.
This Week’s Pick
Song: Beastmode
Artist: Lord Vital
Album: Beastmode
Crank up some Lord Vital and hit the iron hard. You’ve got no time to be lazy. Get those gains!
Check back next week for the GI workout song of the week and be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
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