Dorian Yates changed bodybuilding forever.

The official trailer and release date have been revealed for the upcoming documentary – Dorian Yates: The Original Mass Monster. Releasing November 15, 2019 on digital and DVD, the film chronicles the life story of Dorian Yates.

A six time Mr. Olympia champion, Dorian Yates ushered in a new era of bodybuilding physiques by showcasing a then unprecedented amount of mass that was previously seen as impossible. He is the greatest British bodybuilder that has ever lived.

Now long since retired, Dorian has revolutionized the sport of bodybuilding with his iconic “blood and guts” training style, a machine-like focus that bordered on the peculiar, and rejecting the California bodybuilding scene that was the dominant influence on the industry from its inception.

Dorian Yates: The Original Mass Monster chronicles the life and times of his storied career and the new life he created for himself post-bodybuilding. After facing depression and having his mental health collapse, he now prepares to embark to Costa Rica for a spiritual journey to explore the nature of his consciousness.

Featuring new interviews from Dorian himself alongside Jay Cutler, Chris Cormier, Steve Weinberger, and Peter McGough – this documentary is the most comprehensive exploration into the bodybuilder who changed the sport forever and an inside look at his current life and views on the bodybuilding industry. Check out the official trailer above!

Dorian Yates: The Original Mass Monster will be available on digital and DVD November 15, 2019. You can pre-order today by clicking here or the banner below.

Dorian Yates The Original Mass Monster

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