Guy Cisternino wants people to stop judging bodybuilders during their offseason.

This past weekend, Shawn Rhoden among many other top pro bodybuilders, showed off their physique during the Pittsburgh Pro 2019 guest posing. This show is well known for attracting the top pros to guest pose and has been a tradition for many years. But shortly after the show, many fans started criticizing Shawn Rhoden’s physique and became worried he won’t be able to win Mr. Olympia this year.

Enter Guy Cisternino – who took to social media to shut the mouths of all the haters by making some good points about not only Shawn’s process – but how the offseason for bodybuilders work in general.

Compiled here by Fazi Fitness, Guy makes his point clear that Shawn Rhoden is far from the Olympia competition and will look completely different when it’s time to cut down and get into tried and true competition prep. Fans are so hungry to make predictions and judgements that they do so even during the offseason – where we logically know deep down that a physique in the offseason looks vastly different than competition time.

You can check out the full video above and decide for yourself – does Guy Cisternino make good points or should we be worried about Shawn’s future?

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