An epic bodybuilding motivation video showcasing the unstoppable spirit that makes a champion.

While bodybuilding can be criticized quite harshly by the mainstream world – calling it unhealthy, full of steroids, and unappealing. There’s one through line about the sport that no one can deny is powerful. Specifically, the non stop spirit and desire for greatness. This sport has hundreds of pro bodybuilders all fighting for the same thing – and when you watch this motivational video put together by Varyjer Motivation, you’ll see just how human and powerful that struggle can be.

Whether it’s bodybuilding, fitness, filmmaking, writing, or fine arts – almost every single human on this planet has a dream and they scrap and struggle and fight to climb to the top. It’s quite moving really – and something at the core of bodybuilding that needs shouted from the mountaintops.

That’s basically what this bodybuilding motivation does – it amps you up and makes you want to scream so the whole world can hear. Put that energy into your next workout and you’ll be putting up lifts you never imagined. Check it out above!

If you like what you see, make sure to subscribe to Varyjer Motivation’s official YouTube channel right here!

GI Team
The GI Team is here to provide top news and original content for the new generation. The generation of bodybuilders who are pushing the sport to bigger and better places. Join The Movement. Become a part of Generation Iron!