Breaking down Roelly Winklaar’s chances at the Olympia 2019.
Roelly Winklaar is a true beast. A bodybuilder that has pushed the boundaries of how massive he can become with each passing year. While Big Ramy has earned a reputation for being the new age biggest mass monster… Roelly Winklaar certainly has been giving Ramy a run for his money in the past few years.
Which brings us to our next point – Big Ramy will not be at the Mr. Olympia. Neither will Shawn Rhoden or Phil Heath. As most bodybuilding fans already know, the line up for this year’s Mr. Olympia is so open that many competitors have a chance to win their first ever Sandow trophy. Roelly Winklaar is one of those athletes.
But will he be able to pull it off? Content partner Bodybuilding For Life has put together a new video breaking down Reolly’s physique based off of his recent training videos. Even without Big Ramy, Shawn Rhoden, or Phil Heath to get in his way… could Roelly defeat the likes of Brandon Curry and Dexter Jackson? It will be a tough race to the finish this year – but all we can do now is analyze what we see and make predictions. Check out Bodybuilding For Life’s video above and let us know your thoughts on Roelly’s chances.
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