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Generation Iron Goal Setting Dennis Wolf

Generation Iron Goal Setting Dennis Wolf

Set goals and visualize what you want to become.

No one is going to argue that bodybuilding is hard, hard work. It takes time and energy at the gym; dedication and strategy in your diet; and tons of passion everywhere in between. It’s often overwhelming – especially if you are new to bodybuilding and have just decided to walk down that path. It’s a major life change – and with such a major change it is easy to give up. Even for more experienced athletes, if the results suddenly stop, it can be easy to fall off the wagon.

So how do you realize and actualize yourself as a bodybuilder. How can you make all of this more manageable? How can you stay motivated during the steepest of this uphill climb? You need to set goals. You need to have a plan. You need to visualize who and what you will become.

Today we are going to break down the importance of setting goals and how to successfully create goals for yourself. Hopefully with these tips and a lot of hard work – you will find yourself reaching a whole new level of athletic performance.

Deadlines are Essential

The first and most important ingredient to setting your goals is to have detailed and specific deadlines. Without deadlines there is no urgency. Without urgency – things don’t get done. If you just set vague goals and say “I want to reach that level eventually” – eventually will never come.

Try setting different levels of deadlines; short term, mid-term, and long term deadlines. Think daily vs. yearly. You should know exactly what you want to accomplish on a daily basis but also know what your long range goals are. This way you can ensure that your short term goals are effectively leading you towards the bigger strokes.

Deadlines should light a fire under your butt. It makes it so that you can never rest easy and assume that you’ll do better the next day. Of course, for your deadlines to be effective you have to know what sort of deadlines to make for yourself – which leads us to our next heading…

Be Flexible with your Deadlines – Not Your Goals

Your goals are the ultimate vision of what you want to become. It’s that ultimate version of yourself, your dream, the perfect incarnation of you. That should never be sacrificed. When you stumble, and you will stumble, this should never make you give up on your goals.

That being said, deadlines can be a little more flexible. Let’s say you are a little head strong with your first set of deadlines. You shot way past the mark of what you can achieve. That’s okay. Don’t give up – just readjust your deadlines based on what works and doesn’t work for you.

The deadlines can always change to best suit your needs – the goals must remain the same to prevent you from being to easy on yourself. As long as your deadlines continue to push you towards improvement and your goals – then you can shift them any way you want.

Walk Before You Run

When setting your goals and deadlines you should also try to be realistic with yourself. It’s always good to shoot past what your perceived limits are – the greats never got anywhere by telling themselves certain things are impossible. But at the same time you can’t get anywhere if you think you can suddenly jump up 200 lbs over night.

Setting goals that are too unrealistic will do nothing but discourage you. Set realistic training goals based on your age, experience, and ultimate vision. If you truly are just starting out – you can always adjust your deadlines to as you start to understand your body.

Just remember – don’t be easy on yourself. Keep the ultimate goal the same so the deadlines don’t turn into cushy pillows that you rest on. That’s just a waste of time.

Be Specific

It’s easy to say, “I want to be really buff.” or “I want to lose a ton of weight.” These vague keywords simply make your goals more elusive. If you want to start making your goals something that you can actually achieve – they need to be tangible.

Go for specifics such as: how many pounds do I want to lose or what is my specific goal physique? What kind of measurements do I want to have? Putting a specifics onto your goal suddenly make it possible. It allows you to visualize it more clearly and take you to that next level in your next workout.

When you walk into the gym have specifics in mind. Don’t just “hope for a good workout.” You should know what a good workout is before you even set food in the gym. Trust us, at the end of the day you will find you have more “good workouts” once you have those specifics set.

Never Put Caps on Your Goals or Deadlines

When you set a deadline or goal for yourself – it feels damn good when you finally achieve it. You congratulate yourself – and rightfully so. You’ve finally achieved something you set out to do. But don’t stop there. Don’t use a successfully met goal as an excuse to rest. If you think you can surpass it – then surpass it. Maybe you met your deadline, but perhaps that means you can adjust your deadline to an even greater high.

Like we said earlier – it’s always flexible. Don’t just stop. Evolve. Keep pushing yourself. If you can push past your goals – then you will feel even better.

Make Everything Tangible

It’s always good practice to right down your goals and deadlines. This way they become real. If it’s all just in your head – it’s easy to let them slip and disappear into the void of your thoughts. But if it’s written down – it won’t disappear unless you throw it away.

What kind of learner are you? If you are visual learner, visualize your goals and deadlines with calendars and charts. Are you a list person? Then make lists of everything you want to achieve and slowly check them off as you complete them.

Never Underestimate the Importance of NOW

Making a plan, setting deadlines, creating goals – these are all fantastic ways to make the entirety of your dream more manageable. But it’s easy to get lost in the planning. If you keep saying “I can’t start this until my plan is perfect.” or “I’ll eventually start step one of my plan.” – you’ll never actually start.

Eventually is something that never comes. The most important thing you can do in setting your goals is understand how to implement them NOW. Don’t be the person who says, “One day…” be the person who says “tomorrow” and “next week.” Don’t hope – know the when and where.

Don’t put your bodybuilding and fitness goals at the bottom of your to-do list. Rearrange your schedule – prioritize and stop procrastinating. This is the most important step in achieving greatness. The most important part in setting goals. If you can do all of this – you will find yourself on the right path towards progress. And it will feel so, so good.


What’s your fitness vision? What kind of techniques best actualize your goals? Let us know in the comments section below or on our Facebook and Twitter pages. If you have any suggestions – be sure to share them! It might inspire someone else who is reading!


More in depth with Guy Cisternino and Shawn Rhoden.

Welcome to East Coast Mecca Dropsets – a new spinoff series revealing extended and deleted scenes from our latest show – East Coast Mecca. We ended up shooting so much at The Bev Francis Powerhouse Gym that not all of it could make it into the episodes, but why keep it all to ourselves? We’re giving you an all-access inside look at everything that went down inside one of the best gyms in bodybuilding today – The East Coast Mecca.

Top bodybuilders like Shawn Rhoden and Guy Cisterino are easily looked at as weightlifting superstars – exceptions to the regular day-in, day-out lifters. But the truth is they are just regular guys like you or anyone else. They worked hard to get to where they are today and they continue to work hard moving forward. With all of the magazine covers and motivational videos it might be easy to forget that. That’s why this latest East Coast Mecca Dropset episode follows Guy and Shawn as they train. Not like superstars but like regular passionate lifters. What music do they have on their iPods? What equipment do they prefer? How do they help each other train? Find it all out in the video above.

Missed the latest season of East Coast Mecca? Catch the entire episode featuring Guy and Shawn right here:

Strength Wars Movie


Generation Iron IFBB and NPC

Generation Iron IFBB and NPC

A true part of the bodybuilding industry.

There’s been a lot of shake ups lately in the bodybuilding industry with new divisions and new leagues popping up in 2015 and beyond. But when an average fan thinks of the bodybuilding world two major organizations come to mind: the IFBB and the NPC. They have been a staple of competitions almost as long as bodybuilding existed. So that might be an over exaggeration – but you get the point. The these two organizations are deeply embedded in the industry.

That’s why we’re proud that the Generation Iron Fitness Network is affiliated with these legendary and long running organizations. The amount that bodybuilding has grown over the years is in no small part to long lasting traditions of the IFBB and NPC. For every major competition and bodybuilding event – you can be sure that Generation Iron will be there to report or create brand new entertaining video content so that you, the fans, can feel passionately apart of the bodybuilding world – no matter where you live.

Generation Iron Mr. Olympia 2015

For more information on NPC events and news – make sure to hit up their official NPC News Online website.

You can also get some great insight into the IFBB by visiting their official website.

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Generation Iron Kai Greene 17

Generation Iron Kai Greene 17

A young Kai with a massive future.

It’s been said once and it’ll be said for all eternity: bodybuilding is all about genetics. Or at least plays a big role. Genetics isn’t an excuse to ignore the importance of training hard, eating correctly, and doing all the right things to see the best result. What many people don’t understand is that bodybuilding is also about philosophy and having a healthy state of mind. As much as building muscle is about putting yourself through physical trauma in order to see great results, you have to take into consideration that how you approach the endeavor mentally is just as significant, if not more.

Ambition. It’s what an athlete needs if they wish to be a professional competitor in whatever sport they choose. Anyone whose thinking they can half ass it and become a pro athlete is going to have a pretty nasty wake up call. It takes single minded focus, a dedication that could even border on obsession in order to achieve greatness at the highest levels of professional athletic competition.


For a bodybuilder it’s seeing where you want to take yourself and body in order to the best in the world. You have to be willing to climb the mountain of success until you reach the summit. You have to be willing to take the long an arduous road of trial and error until obtaining a physique that can challenge the other greats that came before. That word ambition is one to live by not only as a bodybuilder but as a person who craves success.

Apparently it’s a word that Kai Greene learned early on in his career. At only 17 the young Greene had already achieved a physique that most classic bodybuilders would have appreciated. He proved that his mindset was just as important as putting in the hard work to see change. It’s easy to look at Kai now and understand why he’s such an iconic bodybuilder. But take a look at this throwback pic of Kai at 17 and try to argue that he wasn’t a mentally focused young man already showing signs that he would one day become one of the greatest in the world.

So what matters more, genetics or mental strength? Let us know what you think in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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Generation Iron genetics

Generation Iron genetics

Massive muscle with a mind blowing small waist.

Can someone tell me how we got to this point? Though the current slate of bodybuilders are completely jacked, talented, and shredded, there is a definite and clear difference from what we have now and what was so widely popular in the 70s and 80s. Back in the day it was all about having great muscle definition, great size, and maintaining tiny waist. Back then it was all about aesthetics rather than being mass monsters. In some respects it seems like the physiques of today all seem to look the same. In the Golden Era, every bodybuilder had specific body type that was different from their rivals, yet just as well built.

Now this isn’t a call to action to change things, to go back to the way things were. Though it may benefit the sport in some way, we’re not living in the 70s and 80s anymore. It’s 2015 and the judges and spectators are looking for something different than what came before. Now we have to come to grips with the fact that things are different and that in order to enjoy open bodybuilding then you have to embrace the mass monster.


But that doesn’t mean the ideals of the Golden Era doesn’t live on today. Cedric McMillan is a bodybuilder that has found a midpoint, not looking too huge, but not too small either. He maintains a tiny waist despite having a massive amount of muscle on his frame. And apparently he’s not the only one who has kept to the old school mind frame of bodybuilding. Genetics help a great deal in the process, but the mentality to embrace a more classic physique can truly affect your training. Just check the video below and try and say you wouldn’t want a physique like this.

What do you think of this genetic beast? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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Strength Wars Movie
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Strength Wars Movie


Generation Iron Serge Nubret

Generation Iron Serge Nubret

Workout with the ferocity of a black panther.

Serge Nubret was one of the greatest bodybuilders to ever compete in the sport, there’s no doubting that. The French born “Black Panther” was so talented, in fact, that he took the second place position in the 1975 Mr. Olympia competition behind eventual winner Arnold Schwarzenegger. Nubret also holds distinction as being the only bodybuilder to win a world title in four different bodybuilding federations including one championship under the IFBB, one under NABBA, and two championships each in the WBBG and the WABBA.

Nubret was a bodybuilder more focused on building an aesthetic physique rather than simply building massive muscle. The French bodybuilder was perhaps best known for having one of the biggest and most well developed chests in bodybuilding, perhaps second only to Schwarzenegger himself. It was a muscle group that he traditionally trained twice a week, which perhaps explain his successful and extraordinary chest development. Despite having some considerable size, Nubret wasn’t a believer in lifting heavy weights. Instead he focused on contracting his muscles as best he could while lifting moderate weight. Take a look at the chest routine Nubret used to turn himself into a champion.

Note: Serge used the same program on both Monday and Thursday. Besides training his chest he would also work his quads as well as his abs which he liked to work every morning before training for his preferred cardio.

Monday and Thursday


Bench Press 8 sets of 12 reps
Flat Bench Flye’s 6 sets of 12 reps
Incline Bench Press 6 sets of 12 reps
Incline Flye’s 6 sets of 12 reps
Dumbbell Pullovers 6 sets of 12 reps


Though Nubret passed in April 2011, the French bodybuilder’s influence on the sport is still felt today and he’ll go down as one of the all time greats in bodybuilding.


How often do you train chest? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.


Generation Iron Bikini Diaries Horror

The horror aftermath.

Halloween might be behind us but that doesn’t mean that Krystal Lavenne doesn’t have some kick ass video footage from here horror-filled weekend. Between training sessions Krystal was able to keep things fitness oriented with a truly epic Halloween party and then gives us a quick behind-the-scenes look at her most recent shoot where she helps stop kids from smoking using the power of her abs… along with a little help from a ninja and a… truchador?

You can check out Krystal Lavenne’s latest Bikini Diary update every Wednesday right here on the Generation Iron Fitness Network. Just don’t forget to subscribe to our official YouTube channel to get updates on our latest videos. Stay pumped.

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Generation Iron Conor McGreggor vs The Mountain

Generation Iron Conor McGreggor vs The Mountain

David and Goliath…Part 2

When UFC Featherweight champion fighter Conor McGregor said that he would fight anyone in any weight class, he wasn’t lying. The loudmouth Irishman put the proverbial money where his mouth is when he recently sparred 400lb Game of Thrones character (and all around unstoppable Strongman) The Mountain. Besides cutting the heads off horses on Game of Thrones, actor Hafthor Julius Bjornsson is a long time Strongman competitor who also happens to be the World’s Strongest Man. It would take someone with serious balls and serious skills to even think of stepping up to him and whether you love him or hate him Mcgregor may just be that dude.

Although they didn’t hit each other in the face, there were definitely some thudding blows to the mid section. Find out who wins below!


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Generation Iron 425 lbs weight loss 700 days

Generation Iron 425 lbs weight loss 700 days

True fitness motivation.

There are many bodybuilders out there that will tell you there’s a difference between bodybuilding and fitness. For one, bodybuilding has to deal with body re-composition in order to pack on a massive amount of muscle on to your frame while at the same time losing body fat. That’s no easy task and it’s the reason why there are so few athletes out there with a truly ripped and aesthetic physique. Fitness on the other hand has to do more with physical and mental wellness more than how someone looks aesthetically.

Though most people that come to this site are interested in bodybuilding, there’s no denying that fitness is also an end goal of many people who choose to workout. Whether you use to be skinny and want to pack on pounds of muscle or just lose fat and feel and look in great shape, the end goal will almost always result in a person acquiring a certain fitness level.

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Now, in the current climate, being overweight is something that is frowned upon in society. You can be naturally skinny and still be given a certain level of respect (or disregard) more so than a person who is, say, five hundred pounds. Other than the fact that it isn’t very aesthetic to carry that much weight, the fact that being so overweight can result in a bevvy of health issues as well as speak to a person’s character. If they aren’t effected by some kind of disorder then being that much overweight is often times blamed on the person being to lazy to make a definitive change in their lifestyle choices.

But change doesn’t come through hoping it will happen. Pushing yourself to make that change is essential to any goal whether that be gaining muscle or losing fat. Which brings us to a young man named Ronnie (no not Coleman). Ronnie weighed about 700 lbs almost two years ago. A diagnosis from his doctor gave Ronnie a life expectancy of 35 years old. Rather than resign himself to his fate, Ronnie chose to make a change much like many of us who started our journey to gain muscle. In just 700 days Ronnie has managed to lose a mind bending 425 lbs. Check out Ronnie’s journey that should be inspirational to anyone looking to improve themselves.

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Are you impressed with Ronnie? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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Strength Wars Movie
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Strength Wars Movie


Generation Iron Podcast Kai Greene Premiere

Generation Iron Podcast Kai Greene Premiere

Kai Greene and Krystal hit the ground running.


It’s finally here! The first ever episode of our brand new bodybuilding podcast, the Generation Iron Podcast With Kai Greene, has launched and is now available right here on the Generation Iron Fitness Network. And Kai and Krystal jump right into it with this premiere by revealing their deep rooted and dramatic pasts that made them the strong competitors that they are today. Kai Greene goes into detail about his youth being a ward of the state and how that shaped the kind of man he has become while Krystal talks about the twists and turns that she has gone throughout her youth – including her battle with cancer – that led to her fitness and bikini competition lifestyle. What does it take to make a person strong enough to take control of their own life? Listen to this podcast right here – Kai and Krystal might help you find out.

Kai and Krystal Podacst

Krystal Podcast

Generation Iron Kai Greene Krystal Lavenne CBS