4 More Exercises For Menacing Forearms

Strength Wars Movie

Bulk up those forearms.

The forearms are muscles that many bodybuilders wish to improve, but for whatever reason have a hard time getting it done. It’s one of those muscle groups that aesthetically are truly impressive, yet aren’t included in the normal training split. There are a number of exercises to work the muscle group of course, but they’re few and far between, especially when you compare them to other more major muscle groups in the arm like the biceps and triceps.

By training your arms there’s a good chance that your forearms will be getting a great pump as well. The time the muscles in your arms spend under tension will likely translate gains in the forearms as well. But what if it’s leg day and you want to target your forearms specifically? Does that mean you have to wait to train your arms again? Not at all. We’ve given you some must-have exercises before – but take a look at these additional exercises that will get your forearms into massive shape and add some diversity to your routine.

Plate Curls

Generation Iron Plate CurlsPhoto courtesy of Bodybuilding.com

Forget curling with a dumbbell and choose the plate curl instead. It’s the same motion as a regular dumbbell curl but requires you to grab onto the end of a plate by your fingertips which will engage your forearm muscles. This exercise is great because it functions on multiple different levels. For one thing it can work your biceps and it also is great at building grip strength.

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