Generation Iron Plateau Breaking

Sometimes we hit that point we just can’t break through.

So what do you do when you get to that point? Just sit there and wallow in self pity? Do you just give up and tell yourself you’ll never make any gains again? Sure, if you’re a quitter. But no one that sticks with bodybuilding, who views it as a life style, none of us even understand the word quit. So what to do about your plateauing woes? We’ve got you covered with some great tips.

First thing’s first

Are you diligent with your diet? Getting enough rest? Any injuries making you slack off? These are all great questions to ask yourself before jumping to conclusions. There’s nothing worse than building up something horrible in your mind like plateauing only to find out that you’ve been suffering from something else all along. Some guys use plateauing to excuse their bad habits. Access that you’re doing things the right way then you’ll have an easier time with what comes next.

Back to basics

Sometimes hitting a wall is simply about doing your exercises all wrong. You cheat on your curls, you’re nonchalant with your squatting form and all of a sudden you’ve gone from major gains to a barren wasteland devoid of improvement. Sometimes guys get hung up on making their workouts seem as crazy as possible, filled with nonsensical exercises that are more fluff than anything else. Sometimes going back to the basic lifts, the squat, the bench, etc., can be the tonic you need to get back on track. Focus on form and technique. Be sure to contract your muscles so you can get a serious pump and maybe you’ll see some gains again.

Switch up the order

Breaking through a plateau can be as simple as changing up you workout routine. Now this doesn’t mean adding new workouts into your regimen per say. Instead you can try switching the order of your lifts. Your body can get used to the same pattern of things if you do it for long enough. By switching the order of workouts you could see your gains come back fast. Instead of leg day on Wednesday shoot for Monday instead. Instead of squatting first, save squatting for last. By changing things up your body won’t get constantly used to one thing and will keep it in a constant state of change.

Grab the other three essential plateau breaking tips on the next page!

Jonathan Salmon
Managing editor of Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. He has been writing about bodybuilding, combat sports, and strength sports for over 8 years. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.