Generation Iron Kevin Levrone

Strength Really Is The Last Thing To Go.

Professional bodybuilding is a pretty taxing endeavor to say the least. An athlete must push themselves past their limits in order to make even the smallest of improvements. You can’t simply head to the gym, lift some weights and think you’ll cut it as a professional bodybuilder. It takes strategy, timing, diligence and much more to be able to get on stage and wow the world with your acquired physique. There’s a reason why only a few bodybuilders ever reach the heights of individuals like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferrigno. To be a bodybuilder of prominence meant having a drive that could nearly go unmatched.

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But there comes a time in every professional athlete’s life that they’ll have to hang it up and retire. The body can take only so much wear and tear before it begins to fall apart. That’s true of every professional athlete who reaches the pinnacle of their sport. Like having your car in the red, the body begins to overheat with sustained pressure and taxing training.

Nevertheless, that’s not an excuse to take it easy and watch your stomach grow. In fact, the time after retiring is perhaps the most important time in a professional athlete’s life and pro bodybuilders are no different. Just because you’re not hitting the stage anymore doesn’t mean you should completely drop your training regimen. Much like a classic car, in order to keep the body revving you’ll have to take it for a drive around the corner or risk it shutting down for good.

It looks as though former pro bodybuilder, the man that many call “the uncrowned Mr. Olympia,” Kevin Levrone has taken that exact notion to heart. Rather than rest on his laurels in retirement, Levrone is still training hard and can even lift three plates for reps. His Instagram is highlighting as much. Take a look.

Are you impressed with Kevin Levrone’s strength even in retirement? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

GI Team
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