Does This Acrobatic Bodybuilder Pose Better (And Crazier) Than Kai Greene?

Strength Wars Movie

Is this how pro bodybuilding posing should be?

Most people think of bodybuilding in one specific way. Working out hard and watching your diet in order to make the most quality gains. Getting rest and varying your workouts in order to blast through plateaus. For the most part, bodybuilding is always equated to a purely physical endeavor. The mental side of the game is just as important of course, but in this case we’re touching on a whole different topic of discussion. If you want to be successful in the professional arena of bodybuilding then it means you have to have a great posing routine as well.

To a professional bodybuilder who wishes to make a living from their physical forms, they have to understand that bodybuilding is an artistic endeavor. Much like a painter or sculptor, a bodybuilder is working with a canvas in the form of their physiques. Sure, you can create something that appears spectacular, but if you don’t know how to show it off then the whole exercise is pretty much futile. As a bodybuilder the onus is on the athlete to understand how best to show off all the hard work they’ve been torturing themselves with in the gym.

Many bodybuilding routines can end up being somewhat boring if the competitor doesn’t inject some personality into proceedings. There’s nothing worse than a bodybuilder that doesn’t have any showmanship. In order to become a champion you have to be fully aware of your angles and positioning on stage as well as have a posing routine that’s filled with energy. Kai Greene is memorable because of the effort he puts into his posing routines. Whether you’re a fan or not his approach is unique and because of that it’s memorable.

But there may be a bodybuilder that may have an even more impressive posing routine on his hands. Though he may not be a pro bodybuilder, Jon Call, also referred to as Jujimufu, is a well built athlete with a unique approach bringing bodybuilding and acrobatics together in an interesting mix. Just imagine if bodybuilding posing was like this.

Should bodybuilding routines involve more athleticism? Let us know what you think in comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.


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