Generation Iron Natural bodybuilders and steroids

A natural bodybuilder discusses his first hand account with deciding to jump on the ‘roid train.

We stumbled across an article over at OZY that was actually pretty interesting. It involves steroids, and while we don’t want to beat a dead horse over an issue that has been talked about since bodybuilding’s inception – we think it might be useful to explore a personal account of deciding to use steroids. There’s no need for politics, facts, or moral discussions this time. Today it’s all about a natural bodybuilding deciding to make a jump into another world. A world that many end up joining.

Meet Eugene S. Robinson, a man who is a self proclaimed musclehead. According to him, ever since a he was put in the same room as a camera he became obsessed with his self perception. How did his body look? How can he make it look better? How can he make it look stronger? Inspired by cartoon superheroes and stories of glorious heroes saving the day with raw strength and wit – Eugene was well on the path to a bodybuilding lifestyle.

But he decided to do it the ‘legit’ way. He became a natural bodybuilder and entered his first competition – natural bodybuilding competition. And what did he find? Well, he placed last. Not only that – he placed last because he was the only one not using steroids.

My bodyweight entering my last bodybuilding show was a lean 190 pounds, 6?1?. And the show? The California Naturals in San Diego. Naturally. And my attempt at doing it the right way was rewarded with a last place finish. Naturally. Because no one else on the stage with me was natural, by any definition. The competition strictures were clear: steroid-free for at least a year. So, of course it was “legit.” Quote marks intact. And the polygraphs they gave us before made sure of that. Sarcasm, also intact.

Eugene from OZY article: Sing a Song of Steroids

It’s not an uncommon belief that steroids are often used in natural bodybuilding competitions. It’s actually a conversation of great debate beyond the natural leagues. How is someone who loves bodybuilding and competition expected to compete in a fair competition when they want to stay drug free. The natural leagues were created for that – but the same problem still persists.

Regardless, Eugene then outlines the events that take place after placing last in that fated competition. He decided to turn to steroids and went on a long winding journey of emotional highs and lows. To be honest, it seems as if Eugene went into this blindly – as he describes incredible highs and some strange emotional lows (such as crying during the ending of Scrooged – which we can maybe give him a break for, that last speech is pretty heartfelt).

With his brief stint using steroids for the first time, Eugene didn’t know what he was doing. He abused them to a degree with no (or at least little) understanding of how the drug worked and the correct way to use them. Eugene does admit to using steroids again in his future and learning from his past mistakes. He eventually went from a 190 lb competitor from his first natural competition all the way to a 265 lb competitor. Now he’s settled down into a good middle ground – 206 lbs.

After some time with steroids, Eugene knew it wasn’t for him. Which means that he won’t be able to compete on a level that all the muscle magazines like to glorify. So we go right back around to that same question again – is this a problem? Is it unfair that Eugene has to settle for a lower level of competition success just because he wants to avoid the effects of drug use? Or is it a sacrifice that Eugene should be willing to make? Much like many things in life, there will always be a balance that needs to be struck – maybe for bodybuilding this is just one of them.

You can read the full article of Eugene’s first hand account of steroid use right here.

What do you think about his tale? Do you have any personal stories of your own? Feel free to share them in our comments section below and as always you can follow us on Facebook or Twitter too! Stay pumped.


Cover photo courtesy of istolethetv on flickr.

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