Generation Iron Phil Heath Photoshop

He looked unstoppable… but it was also unreal. Literally.

The internet can truly be a source of some crazy occurrences. For a bodybuilder it can be truly trying as you hope to show off the best version of yourself to the fans. Bodybuilders are already unreal, larger than life figures that look like they’ve been ripped from the page of some comic book and made in the flesh. Their physiques are inhuman. They’re able to put on a tremendous amount of muscle while still keeping a tapered waist and low body fat percentages. It’s those exact ingredients that have made Phil Heath such a powerhouse champion.

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But like mentioned above, the internet can be a truly strange place. So when news broke that the recent picture of Phil Heath at a guest posing competition were photoshopped, we all should have seen it coming. Though it could be a bit of a blackeye for the Olympia champion, Heath took to his Instagram to address the issue and clear things up.

All things considered, the Olympia champ took the criticism well enough and refuses to let the haters get inside his head. That being said, do you think it was a bit of a gaff to post up an altered picture on his Instagram page?

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