Build mountainous biceps.

Building quality muscle is no simple task. There’s a reason that not everyone is able to make it to the top of the heap in competitive bodybuilding. It’s a hard journey that requires a ton of time and effort in order to excel. If you’re looking to just make some moderate improvements then it’s no big deal if you train here and there.

But whether you’re simply just a hobbyist or if you’re looking to make consistent high level gains, what you should always keep in mind is that you should be trying your best to have the best possible technical form with your lifts. If you aren’t lifting correctly then you can guarantee that you won’t be making the kind of quality gains that will make you proud to look into the mirror.

One body part that many bodybuilders tend to focus their attention on, especially in the beginning of their muscle building journey, is the biceps. Building biceps with huge mountain peaks is certainly a great feature and should be trained correctly in order to see the best results. If you’re looking to have biceps that you can take pride in then watch this video with Omar Isuf as he gives his number one tip on training the arms.

How hard do you go with your biceps training?

Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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