A younger Kai Greene ready to make waves.
There are defining moments in every bodybuilder’s career. When it comes to bodybuilding, some may say their defining moment is when they obtained their pro card. Others may say when they won their first pro championship. Others will even tell you that the best moment of their life is the very first time they ever stepped on stage to compete. Whatever that moment may be, it can be the one that changes their lives forever.
For a pro like Kai Greene there’s no doubt a ton of moments in his life that he would likely choose as his defining moment. Greene has faced his fair share of adversity through the years and the moments from his past have no doubt shaped him into the man he is today. Whether they be mistakes or triumphs, the man known as The Predator surely has no lack of motivating factors in his life. But when it comes to defining moments there’s no doubt that this would be one of them.
After his showing at the 2007 New York Pro all eyes were on Kai Greene. People saw his potential and realized that he had something special, something unique that set him apart. He wasn’t the largest competitor at the time and still had room for improvement, but his posing routines were top notch and put the world on notice. Kai Greene was looking to make a name for himself in the business and his impressive physique, graceful and artful posing, and his humble demeanor would carry him from being just another face into the current number two bodybuilder in the world today.
Flex Wheeler was able to catch up with Kai after the NY Pro show and deliver some news that would change his life forever.
So why was Flex Wheeler so adamant about Kai Greene being the future? Just take a look at this posing routine from the New York Pro.
Do you think that Kai will go down as a timeless legend throughout history? Let us know what you think in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.