Ben Chow and Fouad Abiad weigh in on the new information surrounding the death of Luke Sandoe.
The death of Luke Sandoe has rocked the bodybuilding community. With his passing occurring out of nowhere during lockdown, many have had questions as to the bodybuilder’s cause of death.
Initial reports from friends closest to Luke Sandoe suggest that the bodybuilder took his own life. It was certainly an alarming and tragic way for the talented competitor to pass.
But new information recently came to light to refute this claim. In an Instagram post stating to be by the family of Luke Sandoe, they state that suicide wasn’t the cause of death, but heart failure.
These two differing stories have left the community divided as to what really happened. While nothing can be said for sure, the new account of Sandoe’s death has led to his best friend Ben Chow and IFBB Pro Fouad Abiad to make statements.
“I find the timing of it strange but that’s kind of irrelevant I guess,” said Ben Chow.
“I’m not retracting what I said originally, at all, and I never will. I stand by everything I’ve ever said about Luke.”
A statement like this in itself would suggest that Chow is sticking to his claim that Sandoe took his own life as initially reported. Chow would go on to explain that Sandoe was careful about his bodybuilding prep and taking care of his health.
“One thing that Luke was passionate about was taking care of his health.
“Luke was putting his body under stress but from other areas in his life. To say that the pressures of bodybuilding and the requirement to look a certain way is what led him down this path is insane. I promise you this, that is not Luke, that was never him.”
Fouad Abiad also gave his opinion on the new report as well.
“I think I’m pretty upset about what I saw today,” said Abiad.
“The original story you heard is 100% true and his best friends knew it, and the story you heard today is also true.”
Putting these statements together would imply that while heart failure may have been the cause of death, that it was related to Sandoe choosing to take his own life.
“If it was something bodybuilding related that caused Luke’s death, I wouldn’t dance around it, and I wouldn’t run away from it,” said Abiad.
“We made the proper videos in accordance with what we knew took place. I’m not sure what motivations anybody has to put out the statement they did put out, but whatever they are, that’s their business. All I can say on my end and I’ve come to know Ben very well now is we have no reason to lie. both of us are honest people.
“We don’t bullshit people.”
These are some very strong words from Fouad Abiad. He also went on to suggest that the privacy of Luke Sandoe was invaded by making the post on his personal Instagram account.
“We don’t even know who has the account, to begin with.”
Ben Chow had some additional words, essentially reinforcing that he has nothing to lose in speaking his truth.
“I’ll say this on my part, I’m okay if people don’t like me, I’m okay if people think I’m a liar, I’m okay if people think I’m a piece of shit. I’m not okay with people thinking ill of Luke. I will defend that boy as honestly and correctly as I can. And if that puts me down or puts me in a bad position, I’m okay with that.
“I do nothing to benefit myself over putting Luke into a negative position or light.
“There are two people, and this has been the battle I’ve been contending with all morning. The only question this morning I’ve been asking is what’s the right thing to do here? What is the right thing by Luke? And there’s an extension of that, which I’m battling, and that’s what’s the right thing to do by his two children?”
To see the full interview with Ben Chow and Fouad Abiad click here.
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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.