Basic Bodybuilding Foods When You’re Dead Broke

Get big while on a budget.

When it comes to having a good bodybuilding diet you want to have the best quality you can possibly obtain. Building muscle is all about having the right elements at the right times in the right portions. Many who are first setting out on their bodybuilding journey would most likely venture to get any food into their body. Food is fuel for a bodybuilder so cookies, pies, and cakes aren’t really a concern. They are in the sense that they’re amazing, but if you’re looking to make gains then they can’t be allowed in your vocabulary. Another issue as a young bodybuilder is certainly budget as well. So what exactly can you buy that isn’t too pricey to build some lean muscle mass?

Strength Wars Movie


Perhaps the king of meats when it comes to bodybuilding, chicken is a great protein source that will bolster a bodybuilder’s gains. While beef is also a great source, it’s a bit more pricey and contains a certain amount of fat. While fats are also an essential part of your diet, chicken is more lean and besides, you could buy avocados if you wanted some healthy fats to consume.

Black Beans

Another great source of protein, black beans are a pretty great choice for someone looking to make gains. Black beans contain a good amount of slow burning carbs that can give you energy throughout the day. It also contains fiber which is essential if you’re going to be consuming large quantities of protein.

Romaine Lettuce

You need to get your greens in as well, not everything is about protein after all. While romaine lettuce may be a bit more expensive than iceberg lettuce, it is certainly more nutrient dense and will give you more bang for your buck.


Whether it’s white or brown rice, the grain is easy to come by and in large amounts. In terms of digestion rice is a safe bet for most people. You need carbohydrates for in order to give you an energy boost for when you hit the gym. With rice you can’t go too wrong and won’t have to spend too much either.


While most of the items on this list may be whole foods, you have to have a little something to spice things up. Salsa is a great option for when you’re on a cut or even if you’re on a bulk and looking to give a bit of zest to your meals.

What foods do you purchase for your bodybuilding diet?

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